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              "i missed you so much"



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    oct 1st 2020
los angeles, ca

8:14 am

"zach!" myta yelled before walking into the kitchen where zach was sitting and scrolling through his phone.
zach looked up from his phone and made eye contact with his mom, who had just entered the room.
"yes?" he asked with a concerned expression on his face,
"what time did laylas flight take off?" she asked.
zach looked back at his phone and started scrolling up on the screen, "uhhh about five thirty this morning."

myta looked down at the paper she was holding in her hand, "is there anything you guys want at the store? i'm heading out now."
zach looked up and started thinking, "umm...i don't think we'll need anything else. i already put everything on the list."
"alright, i'll be back around noon.i can't be out for long because of obvious reasons regarding what's going on for everyone. call me if you need anything," she replied.
"okay, thank you"

myta grabbed her keys and headed out the door.

shortly after she left, reese came downstairs and walked over to where zach was sitting on the couch. "zach?" she asked.
zach looked up from his phone and saw reese standing in front of him with a sweet expression.
"hey reese," he said as he picked her up and sat her on his knee. she put her right arm around his neck and looked at him.
"what's up?" zach asked his younger sister. reese looked at the chain necklace around zachs neck and touched it with her index finger. "when is layla gonna be here?"
"in about an hour or so," he responded. reese looked back up at zachs face before asking her next question, "can we make a cake for when she gets here? just for fun?" she asked.

zach looked at the clock and back at reese.
i suppose," he laughed.
reese jumped up from the couch and ran into the kitchen and grabbed a cake mix box from the pantry. she flipped the box around to the other side to see what all they needed to add to the mix.

"two eggs, one cup of milk, and half a stick of butter," she mumbled to herself as she grabbed the extra ingredients and put them on the counter next to the big bowl she had set out on the counter.
zach walked into the kitchen and sat his phone on the counter before pouring himself a glass of milk.
"zach, can you help me pour the milk in the measuring cup?" reese asked.
"mhm," he replied as he grabbed the milk and poured one cup into the measuring cup.
he handed the measuring cup to reese, who then poured the milk into the bowl that had the powder already sitting in it. zach grabbed the mixer and put the bowl under the mixing sticks.
he turned on the mixer and cracked the eggs and put the melted butter into the bowl.

after a few minutes of mixing the batter, reese grabbed a circular cake pan and sprayed cooking spray inside to prevent the cake from sticking.
zach poured the cake batter into the pan and carefully placed it in the hot oven.
"it says it needs to bake for twenty-five minutes," reese stated.
zach turned to their echo dot, "alexa, set a timer for twenty-five minutes."
"setting a timer for twenty-five minutes," the small black circular disc responded.

reese looked into the oven and watched the cake as the surface bubbled as it let out some of the air that was in the surface layer.
zach stood leaned against the counter and scrolled through his phone while he waited for the cake to get done.

he looked up and saw that reese was still mesmerized by watching the cake bake.

"do you wanna help me make the frosting?" zach asked.
reese looked up from the oven door and stood up excitedly. "yeah!" she exclaimed.

reese ran over to the fridge and grabbed the usual ingredients they used whenever she would help her mom make a cake.
she walked over to the counter, put the ingredients down, and looked at zach.
"where does layla live again? i forgot..." reese asked as she looked at the ground.
zach chuckled, "she's flying in from new york."
reese looked up, "that's right! she lives close to christina!"
zach smiled, "that's right!" he answered.

after a few minutes of the two working on the frosting, they had finished and the timer had gone off.
zach put on the oven mitts and carefully pulled the cake out of the oven. He placed it on the counter and lied a clean hand towel over it so it could get to room temperature. he put plastic wrap over the frosting bowl and placed it in the fridge so they could use it when the cake had cooled off.

reese had gone up to her room and grabbed some of her barbie dolls before coming back downstairs. "can you play with me?" she asked.
zach smiled and sat on the floor of the living room with reese and they both played barbies while they waited for the cake to cool down.
"do you wanna go watch a movie?" reese made one of her dolls ask zachs.
"i would love to! what should we watch?" zach made his doll reply.
"how about frozen two?" reese asked.
"yeah!" zachs doll responded.

zach pulled up the movie on his phone and propped it up on a few books that they piled up on the floor.

a few minutes into the movie, zach saw a glare of light on the wall that was coming from the front of the house. he knew it was because a car had pulled into the driveway but it was only 9:37 am. myta was still at the store.

he stood up and started walking towards the door. reese got up and followed close behind him. he looked out the window and saw a small black vehicle in the driveway.

reese looked up at zach with a confused expression. "is it layla?" she asked her older brother.
"i don't know. i haven't seen any texts from her." he replied.

he opened the door and stood on the porch and stared at the black vehicle sitting in the driveway. after a moment, the back door on the right side opened and he saw a girl with long blond hair step out. she was wearing a black hoodie that said, 'guess' across the front, a pair of black nike leggings, and white airforce ones with sunflowers painted on them. she ran her fingers through her hair, took out her airpods and looked in his direction.

a huge smile spread across zachs face. he just stood there smiling.

"well don't just stand there you dork. come help me bring my stuff inside," the girl laughed.

he snapped out of his state of 'shock' and dashed towards the girl. she moved into the grass so he wouldn't have to close the door of the car to get to her. she ran towards him and they both ran into each others arms and fell on the ground while they had each other in their arms.

"i missed you so much!" zach laughed.
"i missed you too, z-bear," she laughed.


i hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter!!

i'm really excited about this book!!! audhurepaicbaphwbsipq2iu

n e ways

i love you guys sooooooooooooo much💛

and i hope you all have a wonderful day

and remember,

✨choose happy✨


much love,


STUCK WITH YOU || Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now