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"you're only anxious because you like cedric"



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     november 2, 2020
los angeles, ca

   7:51 pm

layla's eyes fluttered open, letting the rays of sunlight coming in through the window hit her face. she yawned, rubbed her eyes, and sat up.
once again, her first thought this morning, was zach.
she put her hands over her face and groaned, letting her body fall back onto the pillows.
she dragged her hands down her face and stared up at the ceiling.

don't let him get to you.

do not let him get to you.

he only thinks of you as a friend.

nothing more.

don't let anyone get to you.

you are not ready for any kind of relationship that is greater than friends.

not with anyone.


layla sat up and walked into the bathroom. she turned the shower on, took of her clothes, and stepped in. she let the water wash over her as steam came up from the top of the shower. she wiped her hands over her face and stood under the water for a moment as several thoughts ran through her mind.


the small blond girl added a small amount of mascara to her eyes after throwing her now dry hair into a messy bun. she slipped on a gray cropped hoodie with a picture of harry potters glasses and his lightning bolt scar above them on it, black leggings, and gray fuzzy socks. she pulled her phone off its charger and went downstairs. she walked into the living room to see the tv just getting turned on. corbyn, christina, jonah, tate, franny and daniel sat on one of the couches, jack, gabbie, crawford, and nezza sat on the other. zach was sitting on the floor at reese's feet and myta stood in the kitchen looking into the living room.

layla walked into the kitchen, not noticing what movie they had started. nor did she notice that many of her friends were there.

"hey honey. how are you today?" myta asked, kindly.

"i'm good. how are you?" she replied, sweetly.

"i'm alright," myta smiled.
"they're watching the goblet of fire, if you wanna join them," myta continued, smiling.

layla's face lit up and she brightly smiled before rushing back upstairs, grabbing her hufflepuff blanket and rushing back downstairs and into the living room. she quietly walked passed everyone and went to zach and gently smiled at him.

"hi." she whispered to him.

"hi." he smiled back, whispering.

she sat between his legs and draped the blanket over them.


the group was about an hour into the movie, everyone still in their original spots in the living room. each pair of two had their own bowl of popcorn. layla was still sitting between zach's legs, he had his right leg bent and pulled closer to him as layla rested her back against his propped up leg. his other was slightly less bent and he had his arm draped over his knee. layla held zach's left hand in both of hers as she fiddled with his fingers, staring at the television.

zach dragged his fingers through layla's hair and whispered gently into her ear, "you okay?"

"yeah, just anxious." she replied, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"you're just anxious because you like cedric." tate joked, quietly as she giggled.

layla snapped her head at tate with a glare on her face and furrowed eyebrows.
"don't talk about my man and shut your mouth." she whisper-yelled jokingly before playfully slapping tate's knee.

tate simply laughed in response to the girl.


several minutes later into the movie, it was close to layla's least favorite part. she started feeling anxious inside and her palms started sweating. she wasn't worried about her physical state because this happened whenever she watched the harry potter movies and it showed a scene that made her upset. it happened with any movie or series she enjoyed.

she could feel her heart beating faster and her focus was all on the movie.
when the scene came, she simply let the tears roll down her cheeks.
she never enjoyed watching someone pass in a movie. but she knew it was just a movie, she never let it get in the way of her life because she felt as though that would be excessive or over dramatic.

she leaned into zach's chest and cried a little. zach wrapped his arms around her to comfort the girl. he was used to this happening whenever they watched a movie she liked. heck, it was much worse when they watched avengers endgame at the movie theater. he never complained, it never bothered him. she was his best friend and he would never hesitate to comfort her.

once the sadness had subsided, layla wiped the tears off of her cheeks, took a few deep breaths, and continued with the rest of the movie, every so often, grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing her face.


sorry that this one was shorter! i was gonna add more, but im supposed to be working on a test for school rn-
hope you enjoyed! <3



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