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       "what did you do this time??"



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    october 30, 2020
los angeles, ca

   1:50 pm

over the past few days, layla and zach spent a lot of time together. a lot.
their goal was to make the most of their time together because whenever the quarantine opened back up, she had to go home.
a lot of their time spent together consisted of them making vlogs together, binge watching movies, long hours of talking, running to the store together to get the groceries needed for the family, and many others.
sadly, layla had to postpone her video plans with the rest of the guys because jonah had videos to film with eben, jack was in hawaii, and several times, zach had to leave the house to film music videos with the guys. layla never got too bored because most of the time, she went with zach and watched them film.
layla was just happy that her and zach got to spend time together. and she was happy with the time they had so far.

zach opened the front door, kicked off his shoes, and hung his keys on a small hook on the wall.
the first thing he heard was the sound of someone running down the stairs. he took a few steps down the hallway before he saw layla turn the corner and crash into him.
zach crossed his arms over his chest and stomach to guard himself from the impact. they next thing he knew, layla crashed into him, her head hitting his jawline, her shoulder ramming into his, and her elbow hitting his forearm.

"oww," layla mumbled as she held her head.

"oh my gosh are you okay?? i'm so sorry," zach quickly spoke as he grabbed the girl that was about to fall on the ground in front of him.

"kinda," she mumbled, clearly in pain.

zach rubbed his jawline with the palm of his hand before opening and closing his mouth a couple times to help it feel better.

"here, let's go get you some ice," zach said as he walked into the kitchen, one arm around layla and the other on his jawline. he opened the freezer and grabbed a bag of crushed ice and placed it on top of layla's head. he reached back into the freezer and grabbed a small ice pack for himself and closed the freezer door.
he walked over to the couch with his arm still around the small girl and sat down with her next to him.
layla held the bag of ice on top of her head with her left hand and she had her phone in her right.

instagram: laylajohnson posted a new picture!

zach looked up from his phone with a confused expression.
"what have you posted this time?" he chuckled.

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