Seeking Help

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Tyson Jost Diary

September 16, 2020

Pepsi Center, Denver, Colorado

I know what my mission is. I know where I am going. But I can't be expected to do this by myself. I'm going to need some help!

"Don't even think about asking me," Gabe snaps as I walk into practice facility where Comphy has arranged a meeting of sorts (with Nathan's help, I might add). "I'm still upset with you. And Burky's seriously hurt."

"That's perfectly alright, anyone else out?" I ask, looking around the room.

"It is a known fact that..." Val begins to say, holding up his index finger into the air. "Val Nichushkin is out as well. Too dangerous."

"Mikko too!" Mikko exclaims. "Too scary sounding." He ducks behind Gabe.

Gabe spins around and hugs him. "It's okay, we'll take care of Burky until Josty fixes the Pepsi Center and grows up!"

"I'm out too. Not only does this sound dangerous, stupid and a A LOT...hopeless, but I'm guessing you'll be interacting with other teams' players. That's a hardcore nope for me. I don't want to have ANYTHING to do with those Toronto Maple Fucks," Naz says with a roll of his eyes.

"Naz," EJ scolds.

"Sorry, I'm brutally honest and can't lie," Naz says, passively.

"I'm gonna automatically tap out Gravy for this too," I remark.

Gravy folds his arms. "But I wanted to go and help out!"

"UNLIKE Gabe...I, myself, the REAL Colorado Avalanche captain is going to help the 'screw up' right his issue," Nathan proclaims, gesturing to his heart and stepping forward toward me.

"Yay! That's one person!" I exclaim, high-fiving Nathan.

"I'd prefer Vladdy to stay here, while I go, because I feel like I owe you for something during the season. I can't put my finger on it, but I would like to help you out too," G says. "But I don't speak for my man here."

Vladdy lifts his head up. "I'll stay here. I think I'd be too susceptible to the demon with my vulnerability and beauty. I'll miss you so much, though."

"Can I PLEASE go?" Gravy whines.

"No, Gravy, you need to stay here," Gabe remarks.

"If you can manage not to freak out over a certain name, you can come," I retort, with a sly grin.

"What name?" Gravy says through a wince of nervousness.

"Tkachuk," Z spits out.

Gravy opens his mouth up, ready to freak out, but catches himself and only a small squeak escapes out.

"Wow, I'm surprised he didn't freak out," Nathan remarks.

"Tkachuk, Tkachuk, Tkachuk," Z pesters, poking Gravy in the ribs and then in the shoulder.

Gravy begins to bite his lip and sweat, looking nervous, but maintains the freak out from happening.

"I can do it!" Cale says, giving a huge smile. "Also, what did I say about the 'Tkachuk' thing..."

Nathan stands with his hands on his hips now. "Since I'm the captain, because Gabe's a scaredy cat, I vote neither of you -- meaning Cale and Gravy -- go."

Gabe tosses his eyes. "You're not, but I agree."

"Awwwww," Gravy and Cale remark in unison.

"TKACHUK!" Z shouts in Gravy's ear.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Gravy screams and jumps into Cale's arms.

"Yeah, neither of them should go," I mutter.

"I know I'm not going to have a say in the matter, so I'm in, Josty," Comphy says with a passive flick of his hand.

"I'm going to make sure nothing bad happens," EJ states, folding his arms across his chest.

"I'm staying here as well," Z states. "All the fun victims are here." He rubs his hands together, diabolically.

"So, I've got Comphy, Nathan, G and EJ coming with me?"

"Yes, unfortunately," Comphy mutters.

"Excellent!" I slap Comphy on the back. "Thank you so much for volunteering to help me out! I promise I won't screw up!"

"That's a pretty big promise," Gabe remarks. "But good luck. Also, until you succeed, you're not allowed around the rest of the team. This is the last time, until you've rid the demon from Pepsi, that I want to see your tantalizing brunette curls."

"Love you too, Landy," I reply. I turn to Nathan, G, EJ and Comphy. "Alright, we're going to need to find a few more people and start at one of the locations. Goldfield Hotel was listed to me first in my dream, so I'm guessing we should start there."

"Dream?" Comphy questions.

"Oh, I suppose I should tell you all about that. I won't bore the readers though with repeating it, so I'll summarize it to you all in the next description paragraph," I remark with a sly chuckle.

"Just tell us," Nathan grumbles. "And stop breaking the fourth wall. Besides, you summoned a demon into the Pepsi Center, endangering us all. Now you have to find a way to get RID of it. Somehow."

And so, I launch into a summary of my dream. 

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