Jost Adventures: Goldfield Hotel (Night #1)

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Tyson Jost Diary

September 20, 2020

Goldfield, Nevada

"Dust off the equipment, EJ, we're going into Goldfield!" I shout out as we all pull up to the old, abandoned hotel. I can see that the cracked brick exterior has some cobwebs as well. A few windows are busted, with sharp glass shards protruding upward in the sills.

"I can't believe we're really doing this!" Nathan remarks. "I only agreed to do this to be opposite of Landy, because I thought maybe this would make me look like the better candidate for captain. But instead, I'm thinking this isn't going to end well at all."

"Nathan," Comphy hisses out, clearly annoyed. "Landy's captain, you're not. End of story. You're a great leader, but you are NOT the captain. And you will never be the captain. Got it?"

Nathan throws his hand up and flicks out his middle finger.

I stand at the base of the entrance to the old building. "This is going to be fun!"

"You and I have VASTLY different conceptions of the word 'fun'," Comphy sniggers, slapping me on the shoulder.

"WAIT!!!!" a shrill voice cries out from behind them. "DON'T GO IN WITHOUT US!!"

Comphy, Nathan, G, EJ and I whirl around to see Gravy and Cale running toward us through a cloud of dust.

"Ohhhhh nooooooo," Nathan grumbles, putting his hands on his hips. "Landy's going to KILL me."

Gravy and Cale make it up to where we are, breathing in exhaustion and wheezing from the dust flying around.

"What are you two doing here?" Nathan demands.

"We wanted to come. You said if I didn't freak out, which I didn't the first time when you said the rules, I could come," Gravy insists.

"Plus Z is going over fashion tips with Vladdy and Landy, so..." Cale mutters. "Who wouldn't want to get away from that?"

Comphy rolls his eyes.

Just then a black car with the Dallas Stars' logo on the side pulls up, kicking up dust and sending it at the two younger defensemen. They cough as the passenger door swings open wide.

Jason Dickinson steps out, eyeing the Avs. "Well, well, well, couldn't stay away from us, eh?"

"Stars..." Nathan growls.

Jamie Benn emerges from the driver's seat, wearing dark sunglasses. "Word is you losers need help with a demon."

"We don't need help from YOU!" Nathan catcalls.

The captain of the Dallas Stars flips the sunglasses up on top of his head and rounds the car, his eyes glittering with mischievousness. "Oh, but please, I'm just here to make things look good on myself, not to earn your pity and act like I care about Colorado players." He stops before Nathan, glaring down at him as Miro Heiskanen gets out of the backseat of the car, behind the bulky Dallas forward.

"Oh, shut up! Of course we're here to help them out, you evil lying sack of shit," Miro remarks, whacking Benn in the chest.

"Good luck forcing me into helping MacKinnon," Benn snarls, getting closer toward Nathan's face.

"You smell like the sweat off a cow in a rodeo," Nathan growls, standing his ground.

Miro grabs Benn and pulls him back. "Remember what Tyler told you!"

Benn grumbles to himself and rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

Esa Lindell and Corey Perry emerge from the backseat where Miro had come from.

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