Jost Adventures: Oman House (Night #1)

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Tyson Jost Diary

September 25, 2020

Los Angeles, California

I'm still feeling the aftermath from Goldfield. When I was possessed, it really zapped the energy from me. Turns out it zapped the energy from Comphy too (but at least he was possessed by a cool negative element...I was a fucking girl).

But here we are, a few days later, ready to close another portal and help save the Pepsi Center. The gang is already here from the Pacific Division.

"You guys couldn't wait to work with me against a demon that shares my own last name, could you?" Matthew Tkachuk sneers.

Gravy's eyes fly open wide. "IT'S THE REAL MATTHEW TKACHUK! OHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!!" He dives behind EJ.

"It took you that long to realize and freak out?" the Calgary Flame questions.

"How utterly plot convenient," I remark, flashing the invisible camera a thumbs up.

"This is why I hate the Colorado Avalanche," Tkachuk growls, shaking his head.

"Not as much as my foot going up your ass," Comphy snarls at him. "You volunteered to come here for some unknown, probably Elias Pettersson-related reason."

Tkachuk snickers. "You're right, it's ALL about Elias Pettersson."

"Shocker." Elias Pettersson sighs and puts his hands on his hips.

"Fantastic, you really can't seem to get your one-sided obsessive stalker mind off of my friend," Quinn Hughes says, annoyed.

"It's frickin' Edmonton Bubble shit all over again," Brock Boeser remarks.

"What happened in Edmonton?" Timo Meier inquires, half-caring.

"You don't wanna know," EJ responds.

"I have an idea!" Dustin Brown shouts out, "How about we find a room in here, lock Tkachuk and Pettersson inside and then do the investigation shit?"

Elias tosses a disgusted look in the Calgary Flame pest's direction. "Gross. I'm not going ANYWHERE where that douchebag is."

"Feelings' mutual, Canuckling," Tkachuk snarls, baring his teeth in fury. "I'd rather be locked in a room with Tyson Jost's ridiculous curls before I'd EVER think about rooming with a skinny tall goal-scoring FREAK."

"Thanks, Tkachuk. Too bad your demon twin isn't this sweet talking," I coon, batting my eyelashes at him.

Comphy shakes his head and mutters, "Oh brother..."

Clayton Keller peeks up from his phone. "Is this really the site of the Manson murders?"

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Timo questions, looping an arm around Clayton's shoulders. "Take a deep inhale through the nose and smell the faint trace of blood, hear the chorus of screams...just absolutely stunning."

"You creep me out," Clayton remarks, plucking up Timo's hand and moving it away from his shoulders as he steps to the side.

Nathan storms up to Tkachuk and grabs him by the collar of his shirt. "Look here, Flame, I'm not going to go down easy this time! You want to be a Jamie Benn, save it for later. We're here to find the open portal hole, close it and move on."

"You think some demon is going to control me? I can't be controlled, MacKinnon. I was born evil." His eyes flash icy white.

Nathan shoves him and walks off.

Tkachuk grins and mumbles to himself.

"Alright, so yes, some grisly murders happened here long ago. This place is super haunted because of it. Has anyone seen the Ghost Adventures episode featuring this place?" I call out looking at the gathered group.

Kailer Yamamoto lifts his hand up bravely. "Something about Native Americans being unhappy as well as the disturbed hauntings."

"Creepy staircase and poltergeist activity," William Karlsson says with a shudder. "And lots of demonic activity."

"Oh, yes, demons feed off the power from this place," Ryan Reaves adds with a glowering smirk.

"Right. I know this place is rather small, but has a few different floor levels inside," I say. "We need to find the portal hole, pretty positive it's in the basement, but that could be wrong. There's a guest house supposedly too. So I think we should split into groups, searching the top floor, basement, outside and guest house."

"That makes sense...holy crap, Josty made sense," EJ says.

"So who's going where?" Dustin Brown questions.

"I'll search outside with Willy the Kid, Haysy, Connor and Yammer," Cale suggests, gesturing to each player (William Karlsson, Barrett Hayton, Connor McDavid and Kailer Yamamoto) as he speaks.

"Sounds fine to me!" Kailer remarks. "That way we don't have to go inside with the chaos."

"I'll stay outside too," Timo says, shuffling his feet. "I'd hate for one of them to attack the Calder winner."

Cale looks at him, but smiles. "I don't think they will, but you're more than welcome to join us!"

"I suppose the California teams will head to the guest house and check that out," Tomas Hertl shouts out, thrusting his arm up into the air with an idea. "And, I mean myself, Suomy, Brownie, Cottie, Tobi, Raks and Steelsy will." He gestures to Antti Suomela, Alex Turcotte, Dustin Brown, Tobias Bjornfot, Rickard Rakell and Sam Steel.

"Don't call me Brownie, like we're friends, Hertl," Dustin Brown growls.

"Excellent!" I say, clasping my hands together. "I'll take Petey, EJ and G down to the basement." I point to Elias Pettersson, EJ and Samuel Girard.

"Which leaves the rest of us for the top floor," Comphy says, nodding at Quinn Hughes, Nathan MacKinnon, Brock Boeser and Clayton Keller. "That's Q, Nathan, Brock, Kelly and myself."

"I suppose we'll join you losers," Reaves sighs, looking at Sam Bennett.

Bennett tosses his eyes and rubs the tip of his mustache like a movie villain.

"Wait, what about Gravy and Tkachuk?" EJ suddenly remarks, spinning around and looking desperately for Gravy.

"Tkachuk..." I growl under my breath.

"Everyone go search, we'll find them," Petey calls out, slapping a hand on my shoulder. "So help me, even if I have to trade myself over to that asshole!"

"You won't have to...I'll kick his ass," I grumble back as we split off into our groups and head inside the creepy white-walled house. 

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