Jost Adventures: King's Tavern (Night #2)

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Tyson Jost Diary

October 2, 2020

Natchez, Mississippi

I scramble back up to my feet at the base of the stairs. I can hear the chaos echoing around the concrete wall interior, people yelling. Then silence. Foligno and Letang laugh with amusement at the attack on me and my group members.

"Yeah, sure, laugh now. But I betcha you won't be laughing when I stifle goal opportunities on the ice!" Carter snaps, putting his hands on his hips. "You'll be wishing that you'd never have to face me ever again!"

The atmosphere about the basement shifts. It morphs into a darker, heavier feeling. It's almost suffocating. I remember hearing something about the darkness inside this place feeding off the weakest points.

"Come now Carter Hart, I own your glove side," Foligno sneers.

There's a brief moment of silence. It's followed by a few faint, but noticeable banging noises coming from somewhere in the room.

"It feels like a suffocating darkness in here," Brett Howden remarks.

"I'll show you a suffocating darkness," Foligno snarls.

"That's cool, but I don't think it helps Josty out any. Why is it so dark in here though? And cold..." Brett remarks, rubbing his arm.

"Gee, I wonder why," Letang sneers.

"Isn't this the place that had that infamous bloody spanish dagger that was found in the fireplace walls of the chimney during repairs in 1932 along with three skeletons. I think this place is also the known killing grounds for the serial killer duo known as the Heart Brothers," EJ states.

"I heard the dagger has a jewel on the top of its handle and holds a curse inside of it," Carter remarks. "There was also a reporter that wrote an article about her stay and she came face-to-face with some girl named Madeline. Apparently she was the mistress of the original owner and was killed out of jealousy by his wife."

"That's just a legend," G snarls. "I don't think any of its real. Well, except the serial killer thing. Murder always cloaks a place in darkness."

Letang shoots a look at Foligno. "Are y'all boring historical junkies done jabbing off shit that was covered -- or should have been covered -- in the background chapter of this part? Can we move on to you guys finding the portal and us stopping you on the orders of the evil demon, Tkachuk."

I nod.

"Fantastic. Point out the portal, Tyson Jost."

I walk away from the stairs and over to the old brick fireplace. I kneel down and stick my head in and look up the chimney. It's blocked off and sealed. Part of our job is complete. Now we'll just have to figure out our way of shutting the open chamber.

"Good news is we've had some help to close off the chimney. But we'll have to close the chamber now."

"Gonna...kill...Kacey..." a deep voice grunts out from the fireplace. It's followed by laughter that is twice as loud and very wicked-sounding.

I whirl around, jumping a foot away from the brick structure. How the hell...? Some spirit's voice just spoke the name of my sister!! And in a threatening, evil way!! "Who's there? What do you want from me?"

The room's atmosphere is dramatically changing. Almost like there are spirits all around him (them).

"Andy," comes a clear male voice's reply.

"Help!" a female voice shouts out, almost immediately after the male's.

"What kind of help?" Brett shouts out.

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