Jost Adventures: Oman House (Night #3)

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Tyson Jost Diary

September 27, 2020

Los Angeles, California

We search for hours and hours, trying to figure out where on the haunted ass property Tkachuk managed to drag and hide Elias Pettersson in. With the outside and guest house groups still searching their areas, it is difficult.

But not impossible.

Sooner or later they'll pop up.

Right now, we need to focus on the matter at hand. All of us are pretty sure THIS TKACHUK is harmless and only looking for love in the one everyone calls Petey. Whether it's sex, love or whatever.

Thankfully, during the hostage situation, we've managed to unearth the portal hole location in the...surprise, surprise...basement of the house, of all places. You're welcome, no need to thank me.

Shockingly, we've yet to get any of the common feelings or events that occur in the Oman House. Usually, people have lots of foreshadowing feelings in the stomach or experience energy weirdness. On top of that, there's figurines that tapple over on the aquarium in the main room on the top floor, lots of loud bangs, doors slamming, footsteps, knocking and dragging noises and also talking or singing EVPs (really EVPs in general).

The only thing that I notice, as we gather in the basement (minus Petey and Tkachuk the Flame), around the mound of dirt from the side of the mountain that caved in, is a single ball of light that appears near G's legs. It quickly vanishes off the side and out of the room, however, before I can mention it to him.

Another strange spinning anomaly appears above the doorway and swirls down, vanishing into the air next to EJ's arm.

That's when Nathan suddenly panics and jumps backward. "I think an unseen entity just jumped onto me!"

"Shut up, MacKinnon!" Timo spits in his direction.

"I mean it! Ow! My's burning!" Nathan lifts his shirt up. There are three red marks that start to appear on his chest.

"Shit, man, that's demon scratches," Kailer points out, his arm thrown out before him in the direction of Nathan.

"It hurts!" Nathan whines.

"Hey, Tyson Jost," a deep voice whispers into my ear.

I whip around and see a strobing ball of light at the door's threshold.

"Get out of my room!" the voice comes again, louder this time.

Four balls of light shoot out from behind the orb and disappear into Timo, Brown, Bennett and Reaves' heads.

"I warned you, now you must pay the consequences!" the voice hisses again. This time, for all of them to hear and like it is amplified by a microphone.

"Hurry! Close the portal!" I shout out as an invisible force -- I'm guessing Tkachuk or his evil demon friends -- knocks me to the dirt-covered floor.

William Karlsson flips his hair back and seizes a shovel, thrusting it into the earth. Barrett Hayton, Rickard Rakell, Tomas Hertl and Brock Boeser follow suit. Cale makes to grab a shovel and join in, but the shovel is levitated into the air and thrown away from him.

The handle of it hits Nathan in the back of the head as he is playing around with his shirt and trying to figure out the scratches on his stomach. He falls to the ground with a loud gasp and the shovel hits the ground to the side of him.

Cale cringes and looks at me.

Connor McDavid, Clayton Keller, Kailer Yamamoto, Sam Steel and Quinn Hughes grab shovels and begin to work on the other side. Ryan Graves, Antti Suomela, Tobias Bjornfot and Alex Turcotte sneak out of the room, fear getting the best of them and fueling the spirits in the room.

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