Jost Adventures: Bobby Mackey's (Night #2)

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Tyson Jost Diary

October 8, 2020

Wilder, Kentucky

I spin around, looking at the members of the group. "So it's said that everything evil stems from the basement. All the haunting events. And that's where we are." We are all standing in a large room with boxes and various clutter.

There's a low, deep growl that echoes through the room that we are in. I glance around, seeing a dark figure, reflected in a mirror, which has on a cowboy hat that is seen in the basement. A common sighting, I remember from Ghost Adventures.

"I just saw a pair of red eyes!" Brayden remarks, pointing in the direction of the corner, where the figure in the mirror was heading to.

"Something just touched my hair!" Nathan screams, jumping to the side and almost knocking EJ over.

"Something scratched my leg!" Yanni howls out.

"Let me see," I call out, making my way over to Yanni.

I shine a flashlight at his leg and see three long red scratch marks racing down his leg. It's like a cat got him, but there's no way a cat can and the scratches appear like they are darkening in color.

"What the...?" I begin to gasp out.

Almost immediately after that, I feel someone pick me up. I kick my feet out at the ground and scream. "Who's doing witchcraft in here?! Put me down!"

Everyone shares looks. "No one's touching you, Josty!"

Comphy steps toward me. "What are you doing? Quit levitating in the air!"

"I'm not doing this on purpose!" I cry out, flailing my arms and legs as I struggle against whatever is causing me to be in the air. "I think something or someone else is here with us and doesn't want us here."

"You know that spirits and demons are known to follow people home from this place," Eichel laughs. "What a bunch of crap!"

I suddenly feel something slam into me, sending me sailing through the air and right into the dangerous, famous well that lies beyond the wooden railed barrier. With a yelp and my heart beating rapidly in my chest, I try to get out of the hole, but I find that I cannot. It's almost like some invisible force is keeping me in place.

"Someone, help! Get me out of here!" I shout.

Suddenly, I feel a hand wrap around my ankle. A shiver of coldness shoots up my spine. Do I dare look down? I can't. I feel numb. I feel stuck. I claw at the dirt around the edge of the hole as I scream.

"Hang on, Josty! Like a good captain, Nathan MacKinnon is there!" Nathan dashes forward and hops the wood, landing on the edge of the well.

I slip downward, the hand on my ankle, pulling me down and down.

There's a creepy laughter that echoes from the pits of the well as Nathan grabs my hand and throws all his weight into helping me to get out.

"Tyson Jost," a sinister deep voice growls out. "Don't fuck up, Tyson Jost..."

I kick out, trying to get my leg free. I'm not sure what has a hold of my ankle but I'm pretty sure that it isn't good. "Who are you? Let go of my leg!" I scream. "Who's got hold of my leg right now?!"

"Tkachuk...the demon..." the deep voice sneers. "Gonna...kill...Jost!"

"Oh, sure you are...don't think I've ever heard of a GHOST or DEMON killing a living person," I snap back.

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