Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

"You're doing great." Tommy walked into my room and took off his jacket to reveal a Nirvana t-shirt underneath.

"Yeah I feel it, is this what being healthy is like?" I remarked sarcastically.

"Yeah, joke all you want sweetheart." Tommy smirked and sat down next to my bed. A slight chill ran up my spine and made me shiver.

"What's wrong?" He said rising a little out of the chair, kind of like a yo-yo.

"Nothing I'm just cold." I said pulling the sleeves of my long-sleeved shirt down.

"Okay then hold on." Next I was covered in his warm, furry, thick jacket- a wave of heat rushed throughout my entirety and I sunk straight into the heat source.

"Thanks Tommy." I said smiling slightly.

"So how is the system going?" He asked referring to my new diet.

"Well I am off the protein bars and I am now on these disgusting-ass protein shakes and rice which isn't as big of a bastard as the protein shakes." I said pulling a face. Tommy let out a little chuckle and smiled at me, I attempted to keep a straight face but caved and lit up like a Christmas tree smiling ever so slightly and the man child in-front of me.

For the rest of the day we continued to watch cartoons and talk, Tommy tries to visit me as much as he can which is really sweet of him and my mom seems to like him a lot which is great. It's nice to have someone who really cares and who isn't biologically programmed to.

"Right, it's late and you need to sleep so I am going to go princess." Tommy said putting on his jacket.

"Don't call me princess." I retorted.

"Uh huh." He hummed, Tommy smirked and leaned down slowly kissing my forehead.

"Bye." I said watching him leave.

"I'll be back tomorrow after work." Tommy left and I pulled the covers over me and switched on some more cartoons. Soon after I drifted off in a world of imagination.

I unlocked the door and walked in, chucking my keys on the side, the metal key chains clashing with the hard wood. I took my jacket off and threw it over the sofa where Tommy was wrapped in an extra-large blanket looking like a massive goof ball.

"Hey sweetheart." He greeted me. "How was work?"

"Fine, but what do would I expect working as a waitress." I sighed pushing a few strands of hair from my face.

"Hang in there, no guys pinched your ass did they?" Tommy asked.

"No." I said walking over. "Because this isn't a bar in Texas this is a restaurant in New York." I sassed.

"Oh okay." He said nodding. Suddenly he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me like a rising wave- blanket included.

"Oh hi." I said giggling.

"Your ass is mine." Tommy said leaning forward and biting my lip playfully.

"I love you." He whispered, hot breath fanning over my face.

"I love you." I replied. We embraced in a soft kiss, his hands moved from around my back and to me neck where he took control of the kiss. He flipped us over so he was on top and peppered kisses down my neck and chest. These were the moments I lived for. I closed my eyes in pure bliss and let these 'silly school girl crush' emotions take over every part of my body.

I opened my eyes to look at my boyfriend but was greeted with darkness, I rubbed my eyes trying to adjust to the new light- or lack of it. Finally, my eyes adjusted and I saw a forest. Haven't I dreamt about forest before? The trees towered over me like monsters over prey and the silence was almost mocking and daunting. A wave fear flooded my system and forced my legs to move, one after the other and soon I was running.


That's all I wanted to do, I don't know what I'm running from, I'm just scared. I need to leave here; I need to get safe, I can't be here! My legs began to ache and my throat became dry, hoarse and soar- every muscle in my body felt like lead and my breath was in short, fast puffs. I stopped by a tree to catch a quick breath and looked around my surroundings to see where my next route shall be. I have to get out. Arms and legs covered in small 'cat-like' scrapes created by the sharp branches I fell against. The silence was penetrated when I heard a heavy mouth breather behind me, I slowly turned to see my new company. Everything went in slow motion, body frozen in shock and legs super glued to the floor, I stared into his blue-green eyes and let out a little whimper. Then I screamed.

I lunged forward, sweating and panting. I stopped holding my breath as my chest ached and gasped deeply.

"I'm okay." I said, slowly repeating it. "I'm okay." Jesus Christ-Tommy- Boyfriend- Kiss- Love- Forest- Running- Stranger. Holy crap, holy crap.

"You're fine, you're safe." Tommy's voice sounded next to my bed.

"C-rap." I cursed looking at him. "What are you doing here?" I asked harshly.

"I came to make sure you were okay." He said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"You left to go home." I stated.

"I lied."

"Asshole." I retorted. We both laughed and sighed at the same time.

"Go to sleep, don't worry; you're safe with me." I smiled and sunk back into my bed, my last thoughts being of the blue-green eyed man that stood before me in my nightmare and the most terrifying thing is, it wasn't Louis.


So I updated, I am so sorry I took forever. I hope you all had a great new year. 200K READS HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THAT'S AMAZING I KID YOU NOT I CRIED WHEN I SAW IT and that's what gave me the inspiration to write.

So no Louis in this but who do you guys think the stranger is?


DEDICATION TO: @MariAsia_Adams


'Who's gonna be the first one to start the fight, who's gonna be the first one to fall asleep at night?'


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