Chapter 2: The Clinic

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The next day, we walk into the women's clinic together, Zed and I, holding hands and holding onto hope that maybe this baby could be ours.

"Don't be nervous. You can handle this, Tessa. You're strong," Zed whispers in my ear as I walk up to the front desk.

I nod, biting my lip anxiously, hoping he's right – my nerves still in a bundle no matter how reassuring he is.

"Can I help you?" a blue-eyed, smiley woman asks me from behind the desk.

"Yes, I have an appointment. Under Tessa Young," I answer, clearing my throat when my words come out a bit hoarse.

"Ah yes, for Dr. Roberts. Here is a patient assessment form for you to fill out, just bring it up when you are finished. And what is your reason for today's visit?" she asks kindly, handing me the clipboard and a pen.

"I need a pregnancy test and maybe an ultrasound or paternity test..." I answer, my cheeks burning red with embarrassment.

"Oh, no problem, I'll let the doctor know you're here. And please, do not be uncomfortable or embarrassed here. We are here to help you in any way we can," she says assuredly, giving me an understanding smile before she gets up and leaves toward the exam rooms.

"She seems really nice," Zed comments, leading me towards the waiting area.

We sit in the only two open seats available and wait for the nurse to call my name.

It is not long before a young nurse, she looks about my age to be honest, opens the door and yells out "Miss Young?"

"Here!" I squeak awkwardly, getting up quickly with Zed.

"Oh, he'll have to wait here until you're done, sorry," she says apologetically.

Zed gives me a concerned look, the wrinkles on his forehead creasing in frustration, before turning to speak with me.

"I'll be fine, really," I assure him, kissing his cheek and letting go of his hand.

"You sure?" he asks.

"Yes," I say, my voice a little more confident, before walking back with the nurse.

Handing me a cup, she points to the bathroom just on the other side of the door. "Pee in this cup, up to the red line, and screw the lid on when you're finished. Then, put it in the white box next to the sink in the bathroom."

"Okay," I answer quietly, quickly closing the door behind me.

Once I am finished and out of the bathroom, she leads me down the hall to an empty room with an exam table. She instructs me to undress below the waste, handing me a paper gown to cover up with and then leaves.

This must be one of the worse parts of being a woman. Undressing, spreading your legs on a table for a doctor you barely know, and having some sort of swab or rod shoved up your lady bits, just is not my idea of a good time.

However, it must be done. So, I wait like that for what feels like forever until a woman with long brown hair knocks on the door and lets herself in.

"Hi Tessa, I'm Dr. Roberts. I think I saw you last year for your pap smear," she says, reaching out to shake my hand.

"That's right," I say, shaking hers back.

"So, I see you're hear about a possible pregnancy," she says looking at her chart and taking a seat in front of me. "And...yep! You're pregnant," she exclaims, finally looking up from the clipboard.

Tears begin to form in my eyes before I can stop them. I already knew I was pregnant but hearing it out loud from a doctor just makes it so real.

"I see this news might be unexpected," Dr. Roberts says in a caring yet professional tone. Reaching behind her, she hands me a box of tissues and I take gladly take one.

AFTER YOU SAVED ME // ZESSAWhere stories live. Discover now