Chapter 19: Something Isn't Right

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A/N: This is my first time writing not from Tessa's POV, so bear with me! Trying something new!

Zed's POV

I had just finished up my lab when I felt a buzz in my jean pocket.

Walking out the biochemistry building and towards my car, I grab my cellphone to read whatever it is quickly, then get home to make dinner for Tessa, if she has not beaten me home already.

From Tessa: Hey, I am staying at Anna's tonight. Want to enjoy my last night of freedom!

Confused, I stop dead in my tracks, the person behind me nearly colliding into my back at my sudden stop.

"Walk much," they say in my direction, before stomping off. However, could not care less about them, my mind trying to wrap itself around Tessa's text.

Typing back, I write, Are you sure? I mean it's fine, but you left your nighttime anti-nausea stuff on the bedstand.

I hit send, still thinking over why she suddenly changed her mind about coming home, and find my car.

The entire drive back to the apartment I contemplate if I pissed her off at some point, and that is why she does not want to come home tonight.

Maybe I pestered her too much about the twins or told her a few too many times how I would be fine raising them, no matter who the biological father was. I know I should have given her more space... but she gets so scared at night; always says how much she needs me there, clinging to me as she battles nightmares from the night she was assaulted, last spring.

By the time I walk into my apartment, Tessa still has not texted me back, and an uneasiness builds in my stomach as I contemplate calling her.

No, I should give her some space...

Wait, no, I should call her, and talk this out like an adult instead of worrying myself to death over nothing. Plus, she needs her meds to sleep!

Ignoring the voice in my head telling me to give her space, I call her. If anything, I am only calling to remind her about her medicine – it is a perfect excuse either way.

The phone rings...and rings... and is eventually sent to voicemail.

That is odd – she always picks up. I cannot ignore the tightening feeling in my chest that is telling me something is not right.

Maybe she is at a movie, stalker! My mind screams

Maybe she is in a rough place again, depressed, and avoiding everyone, it also screams.

Shit. Setting my backpack down and heading to my room, I find myself on Tessa's side of the bed. She keeps a few personal items in the nightstand – and one item that could help me get a hold of her.

Riffling through the drawer, I find the thing I am looking for: the piece of paper Anna gave Tessa when they first met – with her phone number on it.

I dial it at once, but the phone only rings and rings until it also goes to voicemail.

The heat rushing to my face, along with the growing uneasiness in my stomach, has me practically crawling out of my skin with anxiety about Tessa's whereabouts.

What if they are just at a movie? I am going to look insane...

Deciding I need to relax and give them both a chance to answer, I turn my attention to my laptop. Turning it on and taking a seat at my old desk, I decide to get some homework out of the way while I wait.

Three very long, pain-staking hours later, I close my laptop – no work was getting done anyways – and call Tessa again.

No answer.

Rubbing the back of my neck, eyes fixated on the ceiling as I take in a heavy breath, I debate what to do next.

Calling Anna's number for a second time, I am once again directed to the sound of the beep.

Hanging up and dropping my phone to the side, I begin pacing the room.

What the fuck am I supposed to do? Are they both avoiding me? Is Tessa that mad about something? it something else?

My mind races through a thousand different scenarios. A car accident. Or a robber. Or, maybe they are just in a cellular dead zone. Or maybe something terrible happened and they are the dead ones...

I stop moving, my eyes wide and hands trembling as I fight with my own mind over what to do. Running my hands roughly through my hair, I decide to call anyone else who many know where Tessa is, starting with her mother.

It rings and eventually I hear her that familiar shrill beep of a voicemail.

Hello, you have reached Carol Young. I am currently out of the country on business but will be returning at the beginning of December. To reach me, you can email me at –"

I hang up instantly. That is right, Tessa mentioned her mother was going away.

I will just have to try someone else.

This time, however, I am not greeted with a voicemail, and instead a friendly voice answers.

"Hello?" they ask politely.

"Hi Landon, it's me, Zed. You know, Tessa's... boyfriend," I ask, unsure of what to call myself. I mean Tessa is my girlfriend but she is also carrying my potential children. Boyfriend seems a bit childish at this point.

"Oh, hey man, what's up?" Landon asks a bit awkwardly.

"Have you heard from Tessa? She said she is staying at a friend's house – which is not like her – and she isn't answering my calls – which also is not like her. Her friend isn't either," I explain, trying not to sound too frantic, though failing, my words coming out a bit too rushed.

"No, I haven't heard from her. That is weird though...Hmm. Did you do something? Like to piss her off?" he asks bluntly.

Slightly caught off guard, I clear my throat and answer, "I really don't think so. Nothing out of the ordinary at least..."

"Hmm, well I don't know man. I will let you know if I hear from her, but maybe she really is just hanging out with her friend and ignoring you. She is super hormonal and pregnant right?" he asks, an edge of humor in his voice.

"Yeah... maybe," I answer hesitantly. "Yeah, well, if you hear from her let me know," I reiterate.

"Sure thing," he replies, before hanging up.

Growing even more desperate at my trail of dead ends, I contemplate the one path I did not want to go down.

"Shit," I say out loud, ripping at the roots of my hair as I realize exactly what I am going to do.

Dialing, I wait for an answer, silently hoping this person will not.

"Hey, I think you called the wrong number by accident," the deep British voice says on the other line.

"No, I didn't... Hi, Hardin."

AFTER YOU SAVED ME // ZESSAWhere stories live. Discover now