Chapter 16: 28 Weeks Later

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"Woah, there!" Zed utters, jumping up from the couch to help me with my backpack. "Tessa, I don't think you should be wearing this thing anymore, you know, with the babies and all," he says, smiling at my tummy and patting my very large belly.

"Dr. Weaver says I can wear a backpack under 10lbs up until I am 28 weeks, and I am not technically 28 weeks until tomorrow, meaning today is my last day of freedom until I have to go on...bed rest," I say through gritted teeth, yanking my backpack further away from his prying hands.

"Modified bed rest," he reminds me. "It could be worse, Tess... you know, forget I said anything, babe," he says cautiously, kissing my nose while I glare daggers at him.

Though he is right, I am still not at all thrilled about having to go on modified bed rest – even if it's not as intense as full-blown bed rest. I can still go to school and work at Johnson Publishing, but it means wandering around Target, cleaning my apartment every Saturday morning, cooking myself a meal over the stove, or basically anything that involves standing for more than 10 minutes at a time – is off limits.

Just another reason to be annoyed at my unique pregnancy. I still do not know who fathered these "little miracles" as my mother calls them, and now they are preventing me from doing my daily activities. Not to mention making me so fat, along with moody, sore, tired, constantly craving weird food items, and making my ankles the size of hams. It is no wonder Dr. Weaver is putting me on the modified bed rest – my legs cannot take the weight of these babies for much longer.

"Remember, I am going shopping with Anna after work today for some baby crap," I say miserably as I struggle to tie my shoes.

Zed looks at me disapprovingly, not happy with how I refer to the babies and their respective items.

"Let me help you, Tessa," he says exasperatedly, bending down to tie my shoe for me.

"Fine," I breathe out, not wanting to go on my usual rant about how I don't need his help, especially considering it is quite difficult for me to do basic things now – like tying my shoes.

While Zed ties my shoes, I feel a pang of guilt for being so, well, bitchy to him lately. Sometimes I hate the person I am, but these damn babies and these hormones shooting all around my body have turned me into a pregnant monster, while Zed has been nothing but kind.

Zed (of course) is excited as ever about having twins. The day I told him he nearly fell over from shock, but quickly recovered and has been ecstatic ever since. However, I ruin his excitement weekly when I remind him we might not be keeping them and refuse to buy any baby items until I know who their true father is.

The only reason I am going shopping today is one: because it is my last day to walk around however long I want. And two: because Anna said it would be good to "nest" or some weird pregnancy thing, so I can bond with the babies... just in case.

"Done," Zed says, tightening my laces and then rising to meet my now happier face.

"Thank you, Zed," I say sincerely, leaning up to kiss him.

He kisses me back, wrapping his arms around me delicately, always scared to crush the babies.

Breaking the kiss and resting his chin on the top of my head, I hear him inhale deeply then kiss my forehead.

"Be careful, okay? Don't fall down any manholes," he jokes, making me smile into his dark cotton T-shirt.

I breathe in, taking in his fresh scent of cedar, men's soap, and clean laundry. It smells heavenly.

"Fine," I breathe out, still smiling as my hands rake his smooth back under his shirt. I can practically hear him smiling in approval.

"You're making me crazy," he whispers in my ear, biting is softly and teasingly, as a familiar tingle of arousal builds between my legs.

Just then, my phone alarm goes off, reminding me to leave on time so I can stop and get my daily coffee at the shop down the street.

"Ugh," I mutter, unwrapping my arms from Zed and reaching for the phone in my bag.

Zed nods in agreement, running his hands through his long hair and staring at the ceiling, trying to regain his composure.

"How about this," I say, swiping my alarm off and turning to face Zed, "we pick up where we left off once I get back tonight?" I wink.

"Deal," he smiles, leaning down to kiss me quickly before opening the front door.

"Bye, Zed," I say, my voice breathy as I bite my lip.

"Goodbye, Tessa," he says in a husky voice, "and wear a coat, it's October" he says, playfully throwing me my jacket, probably counting down the minutes until we can be together-together.

Walking down the block, I daydream about all the times me and Zed have hooked up since being back at school. And all the places. My bed, his bed, the couch, the shower... the floor... These pregnancy hormones are no joke; one minute I want to kill Zed, the next I can't keep my hands, or my mouth, off him.

Before entering the coffee shop, something catches my eye and I do a double take. Just across the street is a tall, slender man in tight black pants and a black t-shirt.

Squinting to see his face better, I realize it is just some random student on their way to class, not... Hardin.

I have not talked to Hardin since he called apologizing to me and promising not to see me again. He has surprisingly kept that promise, which has been nice, but I would be lying if I said a small, tiny, little piece of me was not bothered by it.

Walking inside and waiting in line to order, I let my mind drift to Hardin.

I hope he is doing okay. I mean, from what I have seen on his friend's social media he seems to be doing well.

I know, I should not be cyber stalking him, but late at night when Zed is at the chem lab and I am left with my thoughts, I can't help but check up on him. Even Landon has mentioned him a few times on our phone calls, discussing how great Hardin is doing with his newfound sobriety and purpose in life.

Landon even told me Hardin is considering Grad school here, no longer wanting to return to England out of fear of relapsing if he runs into his old friends.

It is like Hardin has turned into the man I always wanted... but without me.

"Next," an annoyed barista says loudly, as I look up to see I am holding up the line.

"Sorry," I apologize, ordering my half-decaf half-caffeinated coffee, the only treat I am allowed during this hell of a pregnancy.

I take my drink once it is ready, and head to my car, banishing anymore thoughts of Hardin or how much I hate being pregnant.

Today is my last day of freedom and I am going to enjoy it. I am going to go to class, kick ass at work, at least try to be a good mom (with Anna's much needed support), and then have passionate shower sex with Zed. Today is going to be amazing!

Oh, just how wrong I was. 

A/N: Sorry, this will be the only chapter posted until maybe Sunday the 6th of December. I have a super busy few days ahead of me but promise to be back asap! After that, I will have two weeks free to devote to writing this fanfic =]

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