Chapter 10: See You Soon

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"Well, that's everything," my mother says, a note of finality ringing through her voice as she closes the Uhaul doors.

We rented a small van for my bed, desk, and other random items I have collected for my short stay at Washington Terrace. Looking up at the building, I feel my chest tighten a bit at the thought of leaving this place for the summer.

With finals over and my internship at Johnson Publishing on hold until the fall, I have no reason – or money – to stay.

Well, there is one very selfish, longing reason I want more than anything to stay here. Zed.

We have been inseparable the last couple weeks, never going more than a few hours apart from each other. Making dinner together, pulling all-nighters studying for our finals, along with a few all-nighters for other reasons...

"Tessa," my mom says in a high-pitched voice, interrupting my cherished memories as I break my gaze from the tall brick building.

"Yeah?" I stutter, looking back at her curious eyes.

"Daydreaming there?" she asks, giving me a knowing smile.

"What? No," I snap back, my face flush as she gives me a sarcastic nod.

Just then, the front door of the building swings open, revealing a tired looking Zed, arms filled with a few familiar items.

"Don't forget these," he says, quickly jogging up to my car and placing them in the trunk. "You left these in my bedroom," he whispers, careful to avoid Carol's listening ears.

"Oh, right, thanks," I smile up, biting my lip to stifle my obvious amusement.

"Well, I'll let you two say your goodbyes while I hit the road. See you at the Denny's rest stop in a couple hours, Tessa," my mom bellows, opening the Uhaul door and climbing in gracefully, her perfectly fitted blue jeans never budging out of place.

"And drive safe!" she yells out the window, before pulling out of the drive and heading for the highway.

I watch the vehicle drive off until it is lost among the many cars of the busy road. With each second that passes, I feel my heart sink, knowing I will have to leave Zed for 3 whole months – minus weekends of course.

"Tessa," he says softly, angling my chin towards him. His bright brown eyes mesmerize me as the tingling sensation of tears build behind mine.

"I just... I don't want to go," I admit, looking down and biting the inside of my cheek, trying not to get too emotional, which these days is frankly impossible. Pregnancy hormones are no joke.

"I know, baby. I don't want you to go either," he says, his voice husky, pulling me in tight as the tears stream down my face, soiling his baby blue hoodie. It smells just like him. His signature cedar and spearmint scent mixed with whatever conditioner his likes to soak his hair in when we take showers together.

"In a perfect world, we would stay right here. Me, you... the baby. We wouldn't have to worry about money, or paternity tests, or... your mother," he giggles, squeezing me tighter and rocking from side to side as I let out a small laugh, which sounds more like a sob at the moment.

I bite down harder on my cheek as our laugh subsides and the reality of this world sets in.

"Hey," he says, pulling back to get a better look at me, "I love you. And even though this is not a perfect world, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it your perfect world."

A small sob escapes my throat as I smile through the tears, nodding in agreement.

"I love you too, Zed," I cry, before Zed grabs me by the back of the neck and his lips meet mine.

I never want to let go. I never want this moment to end. Our kiss deepens as our tongues caress one another and Zed's hands travel down my back. He pushes me up against the hood of my car, forcing my legs open so he can step between them, and I happily oblige.

"Tessa," he groans, barely loud enough for me to hear it, and my breathing picks up. He trails kiss down my neck, stopping at the edge of my pastel pink shirt.

I open my eyes as I feel his lips begin to suck at my neck and have to bite my lip to subdue the groan begging to leave my mouth.

However, at that exact moment, I also happen to make eye contact with a tour group of hopeful high school seniors, who are all currently pointing at us.

I clear my throat and stand up straight, immediately breaking the steamy moment between me and Zed.

"What's wrong, Tess?" Zed asks, looking concerned while his fingertips graze my cheek.

"Umm, we have a few spectators," I say, nodding towards the group, now openly laughing at the sight of us.

Turning behind him, I hear Zed let out a loud laugh. "Would you like an encore?" he yells across the way, the embarrassed teenagers looking away as they quickly follow their tour guide into the building.

"Zed!" I exclaim, teasingly swatting at his arm.

"What? I'd have been happy to show them," he smiles back, leaning down to nip at my lower lip.

There is nothing I would love more than for this moment to continue, but as the sun sets slowly behind us, I know it's time for me to leave.

I feel my face drop at the realization, and Zed mimics my expression.

"Time to go, huh?" he asks quietly.

"Yeah," I answer, the tightening sensation in my chest returning with a vengeance.

He takes my hand, walking me to the driver's side of my car, and opens the door for me.

I shoot him a weak smile, commenting, "Always such a gentleman."

"That's right," his says back, smiling as well, though it does not reach his eyes.

I step in and turn on the car as Zed shuts the door.

Rolling down the window, I look up at him for what feels like the last time ever, even though I know he will see me this weekend.

Leaning into the window, Zed looks down at me, his eyes glazed over, and eyebrows furrowed.

I can tell he is trying not to cry, trying to keep it together for my sake. But there is no use. We are both utterly heartbroken at having to leave each other, even only for a few days at a time.

"I'm going to miss you," I blurt out, my voice cracking as the tears return.

"Don't do that," he says, wiping a tear from my cheek as a fresh one falls from his.

"You don't do that!" I shoot back, trying to muster up a smile as I wipe away his stray tear with the edge of my thumb.

"God, look at us. Blubbering messes when we know we'll see each other in 5 days," he laughs, wiping his other eye in an attempt to hide just how much he's crying.

"You're right," I agree, wiping my face and taking a deep breath. "I'll see you so, so soon, Zed."

"I'll see you soon, Tessa," he agrees, leaning down slowly.

This time when our lips meet, it is no longer the burning desire I felt a few moments ago that greets me, but instead, a deep, powerful love. My heart swells with every move of his lips, and I can feel the weight of his affection and passion for me throughout my entire body.

I ultimately break the kiss, my heart swelling with the love Zed has for me, and look up at his dazzling face.

He steps back, giving me a soft smile and a wink, while I roll up my window and put the car in drive.

I give him a little wave, which he returns, as I pull out of the drive. With each press of the gas, I feel a soul crushing emptiness, and everything inside me screams to turn around.

With one last glance at Zed out my rearview mirror, I drive out of this town, and away from the only person I will ever truly love. 

AFTER YOU SAVED ME // ZESSAWhere stories live. Discover now