Chapter 7: New Plan

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"Hi Mom!" I squeak, my voice noticeably higher than normal.

"I don't think I heard your right. I couldn't have. A baby? And why was Stephanie's boyfriend, what did he say his name was... Zayn? No, Zed! Why was Zed in your apartment? He said I could probably find you here" my mother asks, her face growing paler by the second.

"I'm going to go ahead and let you guys have my booth. I will see you around, Tessa," Anna states, before quickly gathering up her things and rising from the booth.

"Are you sure?" I ask her, my eyes pleading for her to stay so I don't have to have this intense and uncomfortable conversation with my mother.

"I am 100% sure," she says with certainty, flashing me an apologetic smile and walking away.

I turn back to my mother, who is still frozen in shock, and debate running out along with Anna.

However, I know I cannot keep running from the truth, and its finally time to let Carol Young in on what's really been happening in her daughter's life.

"Mom, why don't you sit down," I say in an exasperated breath, motioning towards the seat across from me.

She easily obliges, sitting down slowly, her eyes on mine in a confused stare.

I take a deep breath, deciding where I should begin. Who knows, maybe she won't completely freak out – though not likely.

"Let me start from the beginning. And I want to apologize in advance for not telling you sooner," I say with a shaky voice, before I begin my recap of the worst months of my life.

The last time she saw me, she thought my life was finally coming together. Sure, I had almost bled to death at a party, but I was finally getting away from Hardin, moving into a new apartment, and enjoying my new job at Johnson Publishing.

I forgot I told her that Zed was Steph's boyfriend when he showed up at my hospital room in the middle of the night. I know I shouldn't have lied to her, but I panicked. Plus, I didn't know things with Zed would get so serious so fast.

And now I have to come clean. I start by telling my mother about Hanya, my friend who died because of Dan. I mention how wonderful she was, quirks and all, and how devasting her death was at the time. It still is.

Then, how me and Zed got together, and that he never dated Steph. And at last, through tears, I finally let her know about the night I was essentially poisoned and raped, which very well could have resulted in my pregnancy, though I cannot know for sure.

"Oh, Tessa honey. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she says, reaching into her large purse to pull out an old, wrinkled tissue. Why do mother's do that?

"I don't know mom. I am sorry. It just all happened so fast and I could barely handle it myself; the last thing I wanted to do was tell someone else and burden them with my problems."

"Tessa," she says suddenly, her face contorting into a scowl, "I am your mother. I am the first person you should burden with your problems. I would have helped you. I would have believed you. And now... Well, I am here now," she says, her face softening as she grabs my hand.

"I really am sorry," I whisper, looking down at my hands as I pick at the skin on the side of my thumb – a nervous habit I have yet to break.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about the past. And I'm not upset with you for what happened because those things weren't your fault – aside form the unprotected sex with that Zed boy –" she says, her eyes squinting briefly, "I was only upset you didn't tell me all this. And that you went to court without me," she says, looking slightly hurt.

"I should have told you. If I could change the past I would," I say honestly.

"Wouldn't we all," she says, shooting me a smile.

I roll my eyes and nod in agreeance.

"So, Tessa. About this... baby. Do you want to keep it, or should I make a call to our doctor at home?" she asks cautiously.

I never mentioned if I was keeping it or not, just that I would not know who the father was in time for an abortion.

"I'm... keeping it. For now. I don't know if I'm keeping it keeping it. I mean I am going to deliver it. I'm just not sure I want to be a mother yet – and I surely don't want to if it is Dan's," I explain, slightly nauseous.

"Alright. So, we are doing this then? Well then, I suggest you move back home for the summer," she says bluntly.

I am slightly taken aback. I hadn't planned on coming home for the summer since my lease runs through the end of August. I love my mother but the freedom to live my own life has been so nice.

"I know you might not want to, but Tessa, pregnancy and birth are expensive. The cost to deliver a baby along is around $4,000. Not to mention if you end up keeping it. I just can't afford your apartment, and your internship ends with the school year, correct?" she asks.

I nod slowly, realizing I only have another month of wages left before my internship finishes for the year. I have some money save which I assumed I could get by on. However, I did not take the cost of merely birthing a baby into account.

"You see? We will find you a subletter to pay for the remaining months of your lease and you can come home. You will be more comfortable this way, believe me. There's nothing more stressful than being pregnant and broke," she says matter of factly, looking very certain of herself.

"I just need to tell Zed. We actually got in a fight today and I need to apologize before I drop this bomb and hurt him again," I say frustratedly, slouching back into the booth and crossing my arms.

"If he loves you like you claim he does, he will not only understand but be completely supportive of you. Now, I only stopped by to surprise you for lunch while on my way to see a client. This lunch went much differently than I planned..." she says, shaking her head slightly before grabbing her phone from her purse.

"Yes, I need go get going now. Tessa, you will be just fine. I promise you will get through this season of your life and come out even stronger than before. Plus, you need to open your own publishing house one day – mother or not," she exclaims, standing from the table.

I stand up as well, hugging her before she gracefully walks out of the coffee shop.

Now to break the news to Zed... 

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