Chapter 15: Guess Who's Back?

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My mind races. What does Steph want now? After all these months of silence, what has changed now?

I debate calling her, curious about her sense of urgency in the text, but decide to call Zed instead. I cannot focus on whatever drama Steph is about to thrust into my life when I clearly have enough of my own to deal with.

I dial his number quickly, listening to the phone ring and ring without any answer. Finally, I reach his voicemail, hanging up before I can leave him a message. He knows about today's appointment and I do not want to break the news to him over a voicemail.

Biting my lip, I peer around the building, wondering if my mother will pop out any minute to scold me for my "inappropriate behavior" in front of Dr. Weaver. But she does not. I have a feeling she is discussing how difficult I have been the past few months with my doctor – or something along those lines.

Looking down at my phone screen, noting the time is 10:32 am, I think over Zed's usual Monday schedule. Yes, he is definitely in the middle of lab, but will hopefully be calling me back any minute.

Not wanting to go back inside just yet, I scroll back through my messages, landing on Steph's.

I debate calling her – she only texted me 15 minutes ago and I am sure she is free to talk. However, I do not know if I am ready to hear from her. She tends to drift in and out of my life at the most inopportune times.

But would I be Tessa Young if I did not let curiosity nearly kill me at every given moment? No. So despite my logic telling me to delete the message and move on, I hit call instead.

She picks up on the second ring, the anxiety in her voice almost infectious. "Tessa!" she yells into the phone. "I'm so happy you called. I wasn't sure you would after... everything."

"Well, you made it sound pretty urgent Steph, so what's up?" I ask, not wanting to waste my time on small talk.

She takes in a deep breath, as if what she is about to say is almost too heavy to handle – which it might be. "So, you know how Tristan and I left after the whole drug debacle... you know, to get some distance in case the cops tried to go after Tristan for his part in the drug scheme?" she asks, a bit rhetorically.

"Of course," I huff, still frustrated with him for ever getting involved.

"Well... he never stopped talking to Dan. In fact, they are still kind of... friends," she admits, the sound of guilt and annoyance evident in her careful reply.

Looking around in disbelief, I almost hang up on her, but decide to get more information instead. "Well, that is just fucking peachy, Steph," I snap back, the rage building behind my response.

"I'm not happy about it either, Tess," she says defensively. "I want nothing to do with him and I damn sure want Tristan no where near him. But Tristan said he feared what would happen if he just up and left; if he just cut off Dan and Jace completely."

I try to understand his point of view, a dull headache forming behind my eyes as I smash them shut, trying not to scream on the phone in a such a public setting.

"What does this have to do with me, Steph," I ask through gritted teeth.

"That's why I called. Tristan said Dan is moving back to campus," she answers, fear lacing her every word. "I had to tell you. To warn you. I can't tell with Dan – what he'll do..." she admits.

I feel my breathing hitch as my heart bangs a mile a minute in my chest. The familiar wave of cold sweat sweeps up my body as my vision starts to blur.

"I need to lie down," I say aloud, turning to lie completely flat on the wooden bench, resting my feet on my purse to they are elevated – the little knowledge I have of first aid coming in handy.

"Are you okay?" Steph asks concerned.

"Am I okay? Am I OKAY? Are you freaking serious, Steph?" I yell into the phone. I must look very odd to the people coming in and out of the doctor's office – just a very pregnant woman splayed out on a bench yelling into a phone by herself. Then again, this is an OBGYN so I am sure they have seen similar scenes from other hormonal pregnant women.

"Dumb question," Steph mumbles. "But I also wanted to let you know that I am coming back, too."

"You're what?" I say, lifting my head a bit as the blood finally rushes back to my face.

"I re-enrolled before I knew Dan was coming back. I already paid and do not want to lose like, thousands of dollars because of one prick. I even bought a gun," she confesses.

"You bought a gun?" I ask in disbelief.

"Well, yeah. With Dan back, I needed a means to defend myself from that creep. Especially if Tristan insists on keeping contact with him – though he hasn't seen him since... you know," she says with remorse.

"Was it hard? To get a gun?" I ask, wondering if I should get one as well.

"Not at all. It's actually kind of a joke, like no wonder there are so many school shootings. This thing was easier to get than a car loan," she laughs, though I don't laugh along with her.

"Okay. Maybe I'll get one then," I answer.

"You should," she insists. "Tristan showed me how to use it. I guess he had guns growing up and is pretty good with them."

Just then, Carol finally comes bursting through the doors.

"Theresa Young!" she yells, marching over to me.

"Listen Steph, I have to go. I'll text you later," I utter, before hanging up the phone and rising from the bench to meet my very angry mother.

A/N: I will not be updating until November 29, 2020 at the earliest for the Thanksgiving holiday. Happy holidays for everyone celebrating! See you soon xoxo 

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