Chapter 1

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I could spend years wondering what happened. I could spend weeks or months rationalizing. I could spend days cursing or trying to argue with God, or fate. But instead of wasting it, I choose to spend this time telling you my story.

It starts where all stories usually do: inside someone's heart and mind. And this one started inside mine. It begun while I was continuing my quest to find something that mattered. Anything at all that would actually make some sense. I always thought I was trying to find the meaning of life. But I guess I was really trying to find myself.

I really can't complain about how my life went down. I had a great life, amazing friends and a family ready to give me anything I wanted. All I had to do was ask for it. But somehow I wanted more, I needed more! Can you blame me? Isn't that the essence of human nature? To always want more? To reach for the unreachable?

- Hey, is everything ok?- My good friend Mary woke me up from my daydreaming.

- Sure! Why wouldn't it be?

- I don't know, you seem kind of lost.

- I am just not feeling this party...I think I'm going to take off

-Omg Laura it's a college party. Just keep drinking until you start having fun. Or until you pass out. Whatever happens first. You've been doing this for the past 3 know the drill. – Yes...that was my good friend Mary. And how could I describe Mary? Mary was that girl that every other girl wanted to be. She was hot and she knew it. She was a bit slutty. And she also knew it. But what I learn from Mary is that if you are having enough fun you won't have time to care about what everyone says of you. And boy did she know how to have fun.

That's when I saw them. The most honest pair of eyes I had ever seen. I've tried every word I could think of, and yet I still can't describe how amazing they were. How comfortable they made me feel, like I'd known him all my life. A sense of sobriety immediately ran through my veins, and I felt like I was going to melt. "What the hell is going on?" I thought to myself. I tried my best to keep it together. Of course, keeping it together may sound like an easy task for anyone who is remotely normal...but to be completely honest, normal was never my strong suit.

- Hey, I'm talking to you! Hello...Laura?

- Yeah...Sorry...Who is that guy?

- The rocker guy? that his nick name?

-I don't know. But OMG he is totally looking our way...Stop staring!

- Ok, sorry

I was clearly failing at keeping it together, but who cares. It was a college party. And if there was one thing I learned at college parties is that everyone around you is very likely just about as drunk or three times drunker than you are.

-He's really cute right?

-Yeah. A little weird, but hey, who am I to judge?? - I quickly answered. You see, weird was my thing. The way I saw it college was just like high school, only with a lot of alcohol and you don't have to live with your parents. But just like in high school everyone wants to be in the cool crowd. Everyone wants to have their own thing that sets them apart. And for me, that was weird. - Is he seeing anyone?

- Unfortunately yes. He's dating a girl in our class.

- Oh...too bad.- Oh crap

- Are you into him? – Is like she could just smell my disappointment

- No...of course not

- Cause you look very disappointed – there it was...

- Shut up. Ok. College party. – Time to play it cool

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