XIII The Auction: The Plan Begins

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"We can't be completely sure that they don't know who the chain user is. They could be being used." Phinks said. Shalnark chimed in.

"If we assume they're working for someone else, then it wouldn't be the chain user; he operates alone."

"Or, since we know the chain user is a member of the Nostrade family, we could find information through them," Machi inputted.

"We should focus on our target, which is the chain user," Shalnark said firmly.

"That's that. You kids are lucky," Feitan said, there last bit directed to Gon and Killua.

"No, not yet." Everyone turned to Nobunaga, who was sitting on the ground, laying his back on a dry stone fountain. "I won't let him leave. Join the Spiders."

"No way, I'd rather die than join you guys!" Gon replied without hesitation. Nobunaga laughed quietly.

"You're an Enhancer, right?" His laughing grew louder. "We're keeping them here till the boss gets back."

"Are you serious?" Phinks asked, taken aback.

"Well it's your call, but you have to watch over them," Shizuku said.

later, when gon and Killua are elsewhere in the hideout
"He reminds you of Uvo?" Shizuku asked.

"Yeah," Franklin responded. "Among other things, he was strongest when he was fighting for someone else."

"Alright, let's get down to business." Shalnark said. "Here's a list of the Nostrade Family members. These five are the ones who served as bodyguards for the daughter of the boss and are the ones who captured Uvo, but, according to Uvo, the chain user isn't on this list. We'll need to find out how he looks. Split up into pairs and search for everyone on this list. We'll meet here at 10 pm."

scene change; with Gon, Killua and Nobunaga
Nobunaga sat in front of the door, Gon and Killua opposite him. Gon was caressing his hand, grimacing in pain while Killua contemplated. The vision and voice of Illumi came to the forefront of his mind.

"You're wrong!" Killua suddenly yelled, standing up. Nobunaga chuckled, imitating Killua and standing up himself.

"Heh, you look like you want to kill me," he touched his sword, "but I'm wearing you now; if you step into range I will cut you down." Killua sat back down. After a while, Gon spoke again.

"Oh right! The last one was side-stepping!" He started numbering them on his fingers. Welding, exposing and side-stepping!" Killua looked at him, a knowing glint in his eye.

"Oh yeah! How could we have forgotten?!" Killua and Gon turned to face Nobunaga, activating their nen. Nobunaga sighed and stood up. Gon and Killua started running towards him, before turning to the side and breaking through the wall. Surprised, Nobunaga regained his composure, activated his En and started to look for them.

Meanwhile, Gon and Killua jumped over the fence and continued running.

scene change; the mall
Neon Nostrade, along with her two maids and two bodyguards, Melody and Basho, was shopping in the mall. Melody and Basho conversed in low tones, both complaining about their task for carrying the boss's daughters' shopping.

Presently, the group sat down for a rest, and Neon went to the bathroom, only to not return. She had her mind set on going to the auction, and she intended to go. Unbeknownst to her, a man held up a picture and compared it to the girl walking out of the mall; the girl in the picture and in front of him were the same.

scene change; a mafia room
The bald-headed Mafia boss waited in a room, along with eight assassin. When the ninth arrived, he began the meeting.

"Your target in the Phantom Troupe. Use whatever means or methods you choose," he said. After a small debate, it was decided that the assassins would work individually, and the meeting ended. They were to meet up again at the auction at 9 pm.

time change; a couple hours later
Kurapika and the head of the Nostrade family were on their way to the auction when they got word of Neon's escape. Nostrade called and informed the guards to stop a girl who tries to enter without a pass. However, that very same girl was in a car with the head of the Phantom Troupe, though she did not know it.

scene change; a restaurant - CHROLLO'S POV
After I snuck the daughter of Nostrade into the auction with me, I took her to a restaurant. We sat and chatted about her Nen ability. "What's your accuracy?" I asked her.

"They say I'm always right," she smiled back.

" 'They say?' But aren't you the one telling the fortune?" I chuckled.

"Mmm, my hand just moves in its own."

"Impressive, do you think you can do mine?"

"Sure," she replied. "Write your full name, date of birth, and blood type on a sheet of paper." I did what she asked. "Chrollo...Lucilfer?" She giggled, "that's a funny name."

"My friends just call me boss," I replied. She laughed even louder. God, she's getting annoying. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw (y/n) at another table. We, or rather I, decided that (y/n) should stay with me in case anything should go wrong.

"Then, I'll just write your fortune." I observed her as her pen twirled and her Nen thickened. A weird creature appeared behind the pen and opened its' mouth. "Okay, all done," she smiled.

"May I take a look?" I asked. She nodded and pushed the notebook towards me.

"My fortunes are a little strange. There are four or five verses and each one corresponds to a week of the month, so the first may have already happened." She continued sipping her drink. I looked over the fortune, figuring it out. A tear rolled down my cheeks. Neon looked up, a look of surprise on the forefront of her face.

"Amazing, it's correct," I said, referring back to the fortune. I saw movement somewhere to the left of the restaurant. Subtly, I looked up and glanced to my left, where I saw (y/n) staring at me. She looked ready to jump out of her chair if necessary. Seeing that made me smile. Moving my hand under the table, I gestured to her that I was ok, and she sat back down, still on edge though. I tried to hide my smile. Turning my attention back to the girl in front of me, I continued asking about my fortune.

I glanced at the clock, and realized that the auction was to start soon. "Let's go, they'll let us start browsing the auction soon." As we stood up and left, I saw (y/n) discreetly following us.

The blue-haired girl continued speaking about the dead and the afterlife while we waited for the elevator. When she started talking about negative fortunes, I decided to listen. "The lady I used to watch on television said she tried to avoid giving negative fortunes, as she believed that fortunes should be happy things for the living. The idea was to encourage people to wish for and work toward better things. At the time I was really moved. From then on I wanted to be a fortuneteller." We entered the lift and went down; (y/n) would take there next one. "A few years later she was arrested for being a con artist."

"The Galactic Grandma?" I asked.

"That's right!"

"I remember she didn't believe in the afterlife."

"That's why I don't either." Neon responded. The elevator doors opened.

"I don't believe in ghosts," I said, and that's why I'll do as he would have wanted."

"What do you mean?" She asked. I smiled. Quickly, I struck a blow to get neck.

"Go wild," I said. She fell forward. "Are you okay?!" I asked as I caught her before she touched the ground. "Call a doctor!" I yelled to the guards. Hiding in one of the corridors, I saw (y/n) watching, her expression blank. Something felt different.

One of the guards called for an ambulance, but it was denied, as a pass was required to enter the area. "This is the daughter of the head of the Nostrade Family, who will take responsibility of the worst thing happens!?" That seemed to do the trick. I looked back towards the corridor, only to find (y/n) gone.

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