Amnesia ➳ Chapter 1

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Preston's POV

I wake up to silence.

Well, almost silence.

The steady beeping noise of a heart monitor tells me I am in a hospital. I have tubes leading to my nose, and several cords connected to my body. Bedding covered my body, but I could feel the hospital gown against my skin. My hair was crushed against the pillow, giving me a false sense of comfortableness. The room was dim, with the only source of light coming from a lamp in the corner of the room. It had no windows besides the one leading into the hallway.

Shifting in my laying position, I'm surprised I'm not that sore or injured from the... accident? I feel my mind click into realization. I was in a car accident, leaving the movie theater. In attempts to call a nurse I jerk my body, trying to get out my laying position. I remember there was a song playing and then flying glass, and-


Where is she?

My shuffling causes a lady in my hospital room that I was unaware of to wake up in the chair she was napping in. I look over towards her direction. She is a woman, probably in her mid-30s, with blonde hair and paler skin as far as I could tell in the dimness. She wore a black cardigan and shirt, with jeans. Her eyes were hazel, and they widened at the sight of my eyes.

"Daniel!" She exclaims, rushing over to my bedside, getting onto her knees to be eye level with me. I blink a few times. She is sobbing into my bed sheets and repeating 'Daniel' over and over again.

I sat in silence and she looks up into my confused eyes.

"What..." I slip out. She has a bittersweet smile upon her face, and she laughs pitifully through her tears.

"D-Daniel... the accident..." she sniffles.

No, I understand there was an accident. I am actually very aware. But why is she calling me 'Daniel'?

I open my mouth to say something that could possibly devastate her. I contemplate it, considering that 'if i don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.' But is it... nice?

"Are you... my mother?" I whisper ever so gently. She suddenly looks at me with a mix of frustration and  sorrow in her eyes; a change from her previous happiness. I could sense everything pure and good in between us fade with the news. The brightness in her eyes melts away as her pupils dilated. She blinks, giving them their own darkness. Her mouth slips from a smile into a deep frown; one that could not be depicted.

Then there's panic. Her eyes widen and she reaches for the button in the room to call nurses. "Wait!" I exclaim just before she presses it. "Are you?" I repeat, more urgent and strict than before.

She turns back to me with visible tears running down her cheeks. "I-I'm your Aunt J-Jenny, Daniel," she blurts out in between her sobs. Glassy streaks line her high cheekbones, covering her spotted skin.

"Oh." I say as I look down, or straight considering I'm laying down. I know she isn't my aunt... but then again, she's calling me Daniel. I guess we're both confused.

Silence emits between us, but at least she hasn't pushed the button. I want answers first.

"Where are my parents?" Not my parents. 'His' parents. But it'll be nice to know, considering she isn't my mom.

She breaths in, but doesn't breath out for a few moments. "...they...died in the car crash...three weeks ago..." Car crash? Three weeks ago? My heart cracks slightly from the sudden sadness.

"And um... this may sound a little weird"-I emphasize the word 'little'-"but... where am I?" I add a slight, soft laugh at the end to loosen the mood. Her expression is stone hard.

Her mouth slid into a straight line. The fact she's just awkwardly standing in front of the button is a bit discomforting. "The Alberta's Children's Hospital." She replies, her eyes dragging to the floor.

Alberta? Isn't that in Canada? Wh... why am I not in Texas? And children's hospital... means I'm a child. 20 year olds aren't children.

So Daniel is a child. Or... I... am a child... but...

"You can sit if you want..." I offer. More like I need to take a seat. This is all coming fast to me, just like it is for her. At first, she doesn't move, but eventually her legs are tired enough and she moves towards the uncomfortable looking chair at the end of the room.

She talks first. "Daniel... do you not... remember a-anything?" Her voice breaks temporarily. She coughs to fix it, but it just causes her eyes to get more glassy. She blinks several times.

"Um..." I sigh. I have to tell her.

I'm just about to tell her until I notice the calendar hung up on the wall behind her. I can faintly see crossed out dates with red pen, presumably counting down the days that passed.

The last cross was on January 9th, 2015.

"What day is it today?" I blurt out to 'aunt' Jenny.

She contemplates for a moment, looking slightly ticked at me for changing the topic. "January 9th..." She looks at the far wall. "Y-You've been in a co-coma for three w-weeks."


Not a question. A statement.

"Th-three weeks?" I stammer. But that's not possible...! I very clearly remember being awake. Especially on the night of January 9th-

Before she answers, I tell her. "Jenny, I'm not your nephew. I-I'm not Daniel."

I can tell that she just broke inside. Her expression is empty, like she was dying of a disease.

I shouldn't be thinking of that in a hospital.

"W-What do y-you mean?" She stutters behind her fingers.

The next things I say were just a series of phrases that popped into my mind within the next mere moments. "My name is Preston Arsement. I am 20 years old; 21 in May. I live in Houston, Texas, and I have 5 siblings; four brothers-two older and two younger- a-and a sister, Keeley. I have two loving p-parents and many many friends. I-I have a girl friend-" My voice cracks and my eyes feel dead.

Her mouth is slightly open and she just stares at me. Before, she must've thought that I had amnesia. But now I'm straight up insane.

"I-I don't know what happened to your nephew..." I manage to clearly say with effort, "But at around 11pm today, I wa-was in some kind of... crash with my girlfriend, Sara." The words stung in my throat, and it took every ounce of my energy to get them out.

But all she does is stand there. Speechless.

"But... I-I'm not Daniel. I... swear."

A single tear rolls down her cheek as she reaches for the door. Her arms click the knob open, her eyes still on me. She slowly slides it open and soundlessly leaves, but doesn't shut behind her, leaving me with the view of darkened halls except for the faint light appearing at the end of the hallway.

I guess all I can do now is think.


Continue in Chapter 2...

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