The Secret

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'Miya, I don't think I can make it.'

'Do you want me to stay, Jessi?'

'No. You should go.'

'Are you sure?'


'I will miss you, Jessi'

'Me too.'

"Snap out of it, Jessi!" Maria yelled, startling me, pulling me back to the here and now. She dragged me inside Dian's mansion, which had shed its usual elegance and traded it in for an eerie, haunted look.

Every year, Dian, the class beauty, used to host the biggest Halloween bash of the year. It was at this party, a year ago, that I had lost Miya.

Miya, my best friend, the one who knew all my secrets - except one - was no more next to me. The realization brought tears to my eyes, and all of a sudden, the crowd, the laughter, the smiles, everything became too much, and I ran out the back door.

It was at this moment that I caught a glimpse of something moving past the corner of my eye.

I turned, and what I saw made my breath hitch. It was Miya, dressed exactly like how she was the last time I had seen her. She was knee-deep in the lake next to the mansion, beckoning me to come closer.

I took a few steps towards her and froze.

Was it really her!?  

A smart person would have run the other way, but I didn't. I knew she would never hurt me. And even if she would, it would be worth it, if that meant that I could see her again. 

With my heart pounding, I gathered my courage and walked towards her. 

"Miya, I have missed you." I whispered, threading through the chilly water, ignoring the 'Keep out after dark' sign, and minutes later, found myself by her side.

Miya smiled; it was soft and warm. She offered me her hand and with a finger on her lips, she gestured me to come close, "There is something I want to show you." She said, taking my hand in hers, "Do you trust me?"

I nodded; to hold her hand after a year of missing her, wanting her next to me, was a dream come true. How could I refuse? I followed her willingly.

She guided me deeper into the lake with confident strides, "Jessi, I am sorry that I left without saying goodbye." She said, looking at me over her shoulder.

"It's alright. You are here now." I replied, and her grip on my hand tightened. She nodded and stopped without warning. Raising her hand, she pointed at a bungalow on the other side of the lake. It was dark except for a faint glow coming from the window next to the porch window.

"Jessi, look." She urged and turned towards me, "You are the only one who can save me." She added, with tears in her eyes.

Moon peeked out of the clouds, and it's glow lit up Miya's frame, "I don't have long, Jessi." She whispered and disappeared, leaving me all alone once again.

Her parting words echoed in my mind, and a thought began to take shape:

 What if Miya was alive?

With resolve, I dragged my cold, wet body ashore and ran inside the party. I found Maria and pulled her away from the crowd. "Do you trust me?"

Maria quirked her brow, taking in my appearance, "What... " She started, but I shook my head, "Do you trust me?"

"Of course, Jessi. What's wrong?"

"Call your dad now. And tell her to meet us outside ASAP!" I blurted out.

"Why?" She demanded, but I ignored her and added, "Tell him to keep a low profile and bring back up."

She narrowed her eyes, "If I get into trouble for this, you owe me one." She warned, and within minutes, her dad, a police officer, arrived outside with his buddies.

"Gals, this better not be a prank." He said, looking between us.

"It's a gut's about Miya," I replied, and his eyes softened.

"I need you to search that house," I said, pointing at the house on the other side of the lake.

"On what basis?"

"For love," I answered; he must have seen something in my eyes, for the next moment, he nodded and left.



t has been three days since Miya's rescue. When the police had gone to the house, they had smelled smoke and entered without a warrant. They had found Miya bound to the foot of the table, unconscious. She was weak and frail, but otherwise uninjured; her captor was nowhere in sight.

On regaining consciousness, the police had tried to question her, but it was fruitless; she could recall nothing.

'Maybe it was for the better.' I had told myself, sitting on the swing in her backyard: our usual spot.

I am happy. Next to me, Miya smiles and shakes her head.

"What is it?" I question, and her smile turns mischievous. She leans in and kisses my cheek before whispering in my ear, "It's a secret."


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