The Apprentice

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"We can't delay it any further. We have to go look for Master Alzidor!" Igraras stated, looking resolutely at Grech, his ten feet tall grey baby dragon; it had hatched the first time the boy had held the egg in his palms, a couple of months ago.

Turning themselves invisible, Igraras mounted Grech, and it took flight. Soon, they reached their destination: the nearest town. It was where the great wizard, had told him he was going, almost a month ago, on full moon. 

Igraras wondered why the place was so deserted on Hallows Eve and muttered a locating spell; a green glowing string erupted from his palm. Ordering Grech to stand guard, he followed it. 

The string led him to a run-down shed.

He peered inside, and his eyes fell upon four witches, surrounding a stone pillar, chanting a spell under their breath.

He concentrated on the words, and realization dawned on him, 'Soul sucking spell!'

He crept inside unnoticed. Moving closer, he found his master chained to the stone pillar, looking weak and pale; his heart went out to his master, who, though was a hard taskmaster - distant and aloof - was always kind to him.

'Do you care about me, master? I hope you will be proud of me; I hope to see you smile one day. ' Igraras often wondered and wished, for the wizard's (barely there) expressions were always hidden by his long white beard that covered half his face.

Presently, he decided to observe the proceedings and hoped to find a way to rescue his master.

"Soon, his soul and magic will be ours, sisters." The oldest witch hissed, leaning into Alzidor, "He is so stupid. He thought that he could bring back the dead!" She laughed; malice dripped from her every pour. "Anyway, it's too late now. He is almost dead. And with him gone, nothing will be able to kill us!"

"Except dragon fire," The youngest one added, bouncing on her toes.

The oldest chucked, "You are right, but you killed the last of the blue-bloods eighteen years ago, didn't you? And without them, dragons can't exist!"

'Dragon fire!' Igraras's mind raced. He summoned Grech, who appeared by his side in a split second.

He removed the invisibility spell that was cloaking him and commanded, "Forberne!"

Loud shrieks filled the shed as Grech breathed fire. When the fires went out, not even the witches' ashes remained.

"Master!" Igraras exclaimed and ran to his master. He untied him and cradled his frail body in his arms. "Wake up, master!" He begged; the wizard slowly opened his eyes and muttered, "Sorry."

"For what, master?"

"For putting you in this situation, and for hiding the truth about your lineage from you."

Igraras looked at his master questioningly; Alzidor continued,
"You are the last surviving blue-blood," he whispered, ruffling the young boy's hair affectionately.

And for the first time, Igraras was sure that his master was smiling at him. Proudly, fondly.

 Proudly, fondly

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