Halloween miracle

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"Haven't you had enough?" A voice behind Laiya enquired, startling her; she yelped and turned, only to see a woman, dressed in black fitted gown, materialize out of thin air.

"Hello, my sweet child." The woman gushed, directing a naughty smile at Laiya.

"Who are you?" Laiya asked, bewildered; the woman ignored her and asked a question of her own. "Do you know what today is?"

"It's Halloween," Laiya replied.

"Think of me as a Halloween fairy, then." The woman replied; Laiya quirked her brow.

"Tell me, child, what do you desire most?"

"Revenge." Laiya muttered before shaking her head, "Nothing, I desire nothing." she lied.

The woman winked, "Of course, of course. I understand." She beamed, clapped her hands, snapped her fingers, and disappeared, leaving Laiya alone, questioning her sanity.

Laiya shook her head and sighed, "I guess I am finally losing my mind, hm?" She questioned her reflection before changing out of her soiled clothes - the result of a class prank- and leaving the cubicle.

Being pushed and yelled at, having her books stolen or torn, finding her assignments in the trashcan, etc. were just a few ways in which her spoilt privileged classmates were bullying Laiya in the prestigious school that she had joined a couple of months ago.

On her first day, the class president had bitten out, "Don't think you are worthy, just because you got in. You are a nobody and will always remain one." The "Worthy" had made sure to remind her of it every day.

Laiya showed nothing on the outside, but come night, all her feelings of anger and resentment flowed out of her eyes, leaving her drained.

Halloween meant nothing to Laiya.
So, like every year, when her peers went tricker treating, she wore her nightwear, climbed into bed, and closed her eyes.

This year, however, she did not fall asleep. At least, not immediately.

Anger bubbled inside her chest, making her toss and turn, and when she couldn't hold back anymore, a tear escaped her eye and landed on her pillow.

Instantly, unexpectedly, she felt calm and happy for the first time in a long time.

Smiling, Laiya fell asleep. However, a part of her was wide awake, ready to even the score.

As Laiya's breath evened out, her shadow: her constant companion, sat up, stretched its arms, moved away from her, and got out of bed.

The dark humanoid shape looked at its mistress lovingly and stroked her forehead. Then, tucking a wayward strand of hair behind her ear, Laiya's shadow leaned down; it scooped the drop of tear from the pillow and kissed it away.

"I am here to fulfill your heart's deepest desire, Laiya. I am here to take revenge on our behalf. Sleep well, my dear, for tomorrow you will reap the benefits of the Halloween miracle." It whispered before, drifting towards the window, where it paused, looked over its shoulder, lept out, and became one with the night.

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