Witching hour

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I close the door on another child dressed as a 'witch' and walk back to my husband, Jonathan's waiting arms. He pulls me to his chest, and the scent of lavender and honey engulfs me.

Yes, the charm was still working.

The realization that in a couple of hours, it would be exactly six hundred and sixty-six days since we would have been together, me fills me with euphoria. I won't need a charm to keep Jonathan next to me anymore.

Agatha, I have won!

The doorbell rings again, and I reluctantly leave Jonathan's warm embrace to open the door, hoping to come face to face with another 'witch.'

I don't.

My eyes land on a lock of hair tied with a red ribbon, placed in the middle of the porch.

Fear grips me. I gulp and bang the door shut.

She escaped! How!?

I turn around, and an empty couch greets me. "Jonathan?" I call hesitantly, walking over to the kitchen, only to stagger back, shocked.

How did it get inside!?

"No!" I yell, grabbing the lock of hair from the kitchen island and throwing it out the window.

"Jonathan!?" I yell louder, but no one responds.


I look around before opening the door to the basement and run downstairs. An inverted cross, surrounded by extinguished candles-my only hope- wait for me. Feeling relieved, I run towards the shrine, but just before I reach it, the lock of hair appears in front of my face, suspended in air.

Stumbling back, I lose my footing and fall.

But before I can hit the floor, warm arms snake around my middle.

I look up, and Jonathan's familiar blue eyes greet me. He smiles; it's menacing and cold. Gone is the scent of lavender and honey.

Agatha is here!

"Happy Halloween, sister." Jonathan jeerers, caressing my cheek.

"Agatha..." I mutter, and he smirks. "Smile. Aren't you happy to see me?" She mocks, letting go of me.

I turn, intending to run, but before I can even take a step, she pulls me by my hair.

"Please don't!" I beg; it doesn't help.

Bending down, Jonathan picks up a knife from my shrine and chops off a lock of my hair, before turning me around and plunging it in my chest.

I scream and fall to the floor, bleeding, barely holding on to my consciousness, and watch as Johnathan places the lock of Agatha's hair on the shrine and unties the red ribbon from around it before trying it around my hair.

Continuing to smirk, he drags me to the closet and replaces my body with Agatha's before falling unconscious.

A moment later, Agatha opens her eyes and stands up. Then giving me a proud smile, she takes a deep breath and mutters a spell; my wound heals.

Satisfied, she ties me up and gags me, before cupping my face.

"Happy Halloween, sister." She whispers and closes the door on me.

" She whispers and closes the door on me

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