Lost and Found

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Every year at Halloween, distributing hand-carved Jack-o-lanterns to the tiny tots of my community was the one thing I looked forward to most.

This year, however, as I dragged my cart, I couldn't help but miss my companion: my pet cat, my Mini.

Mini had entered our lives on my seventh birthday, accidentally. My father had found her abandoned on a street corner while returning home from work. Since then, every year, she too had joined me on my pumpkin distribution trip.

We had lost Mini a couple of days ago; I missed her terribly. I especially missed the way she used to look at me with her emerald green eyes. She had the most beautiful light green eyes that I had ever seen.

Done distributing the Jack-o-lanterns, I made my way to the Halloween party block when I saw the street light in front of me flicker. Moving my eyes to the next one, I found it flickering as well.

I felt eyes at the back of my head, and abandoning the cart at the side of the street, sprinted towards the Halloween party block.

However, I slipped on a blob of slime and fell on my bottom not long after.
Embarrassed, I looked around, and caught emerald green staring back at me, a few feet away.


I knew Mini was gone, but I didn't want to believe it. Convinced that it was her, I approached her, but she ran.

"Wait!" I called and took off behind her. And a few moments later, I found myself right next to the flickering street lights, with Mini nowhere in sight.

Fear gripped me. 'Where is Mini? Why am I here again!?' I wondered and turned away, ready to run back home, when I heard a faint sound.

I knew the sound. After all, I had heard it every time Mini had begged me for a treat. I felt something caress my leg, pulling me out of my reprieve, but when I looked, there was nothing there.

I walked to the light closest to me, and switching on my phone's flashlight, followed the sound.

What I saw left me bewildered. For there, between the two flickering streetlights was a cardboard box with a newborn kitten, shivering.

Its cries tugged at my heart; I picked it up and wrapping it up in my jacket, I rushed home.

I was no stranger to handling newborn kittens and did my best to make the poor thing comfortable.

All it took was a few days of pampering, and the little ball of fur started looking much healthier than the day I had found it.

Mom asked me to name it. She knew that it was family now, but try as I may, I couldn't come up with a name.

Then on the seventh day, as I was feeling it, it opened its eyes; light green orbs greeted me, and a name dropped from my lips, "Mini..."


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