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Snow White sat in her room running her comb through her dark, short locks, wondering about what the new queen, her stepmother, Grimhilde, might do to her if she were to find out that her stepdaughter knew about her magical mirror she hid in her room, covered with a cloth.

Since Grimhilde had set foot in her castle, Snow White had been nothing but apprehensive of her stepmother's arrival.

The new queen was beautiful, smart, and kind.  She was loved and praised by not only the king and his council, but every man, woman, and child.

Everything she did was swoon-worthy. She won every heart, to Snow White's chagrin.

Snow White did not like it even a little bit. "So what if she has shown me nothing but love? So what if she is adored by one and all!" She howled, with so much malice, that it could hurt a hard brick!

All Snow White saw was that since Grimhilde's arrival, all anyone would talk about was Grimhilde: the fairest queen of them all. 

"Could it be that her beauty has something to do with the mirror?" The young maiden started thinking, every waking hour. The thought consumed her, turning resentful. She concluded and growled, "No one can be naturally so beautiful!"

Come Hallow's eve, when every man, woman, and child of the kingdom was busy enjoying the festivities; Snow White snuck out unnoticed, for she was not interested in the activities.

She entered the queen's private chamber and unveiled the mirror.

What she saw there had her shook, "It's me, only older!" She exclaimed, taking a closer look.

"Mirror, mirror, speak to me!" She commanded. The reflection spoke, "Ask me a question, and I shall answer thee."

Immediately, the young lady asked the question that had been plaguing her, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?"

"You are fair, oh, princess young, but Grimhilde is the fairest of them all." Her reflection sang, angering the young maiden.

"Lies!" She yelled and called her faithful huntsman to her aid.

"How may I serve you," he inquired, "my lady fair?"

Smirking, Snow White made up her mind. She handed the kneeling man a pouch of gold, "Tomorrow, I will bring her to you. Slit her throat; cut out heart and liver, is a you need to do."
Bowing, the huntsman left, for all his needs, had been met.

The next morning, Snow White went to her stepmother's room, "Mother, you are so fair and kind. Now I see that you are divine. Will you do me the honor of accompanying me, to the river, we may become close; closer than ever?"

Grimhilde nodded; she smiled at her stepdaughter, "Snow White, I have been looking forward to it since forever!"

Alas, things came to pass, exactly as planned. By the river, at the hands of the huntsman, the fair queen, Grimhilde, met her brutal end.

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