One Last Time

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'On hallows night, the one you betrayed will return. They will drag you to a place you deserve. No one knows what lies across the veil. They will not leave till your last breath bails.' I recall the words of the village shaman, and take sip of my poisoned liquor; it burns my throat and fills my body with heat, luring me towards the dark; towards my lover.

I close my eyes and wait for Zhan: my soulmate, my partner.

The moon hides behind the clouds; the candle flame flutters and dies. And with it, my heart gives out.

When I open my eyes, Zhan is standing in front of me: a picture of perfection.

Everything is the same except his eyes. I can see anger, pain, and hate where once there was love.

He extends his arm, and I take it without hesitation. A flicker of surprise crosses his sharp features before it settles into a calm rage once again. 

A Jade arch with vines climbing over it, adorned with purple and red roses blooming on thornless branches; children in golden flowing dresses playing with abandon, smiling and singing, greets me as we cross the thin white veil.

Zhan stills, "This has to be a mistake!" He exclaims, letting go of my hand.

I try to reach him; he moves away.
"You don't deserve this! I loved you, and you killed me!" He yells; I pull my hand back, guilty.

I had expected this: hate and accusation.

I regret nothing, for I had already received my gift: to see him one last time.

A multitude of emotions dance across his face. "Why did you do it?" He demands, his lips quiver and brows knit.


"Why don't you answer me?" He enquires. When I continue to remain silent, he dashes inside the Jade gates. As I follow him, more enchanting sights greet me: ponds of white lotus, cherry blossoms in all their glory, petals like snowflakes, drifting down to the white marble floor.

All of a sudden, everything freezes. Zhan halts, and I follow suit.
"What brings you?" A voice booms; it's loud, clear, and authoritative.

"He doesn't belong here. He betrayed me!" He complains, rage, shaking his whole frame.

"And yet, when you went for him, he was ready for you; he followed you." The voice states, and a woman dressed in pale cerulean attire appears before us. She walks to Zhan and whispers in his ears before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

Fight goes out of him; he falls to his knees. "What have I done!?"

Tears roll down his cheeks; Every tear that touches the floor turns into a white lotus.

Our eyes meet and linger. More tears leave dark orbs and turn into petals of cherry blossom as they kiss the floor.

We know this is the end. "Thank you for everything." He whispers, pulling me close, and I go to him, like I always have, and always will.

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