Outrun 'It'

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"Mishkaaa... " The wind whispers in my ear; I open my eyes just enough for me to make sure that I am not dreaming. My eyes fall on Amar, my boyfriend. He is fast asleep.

Something's not right.

I blink and spot a small movement behind him catches my eyes. It's a shadow.

I must be imagining it. Right?

That's what everyone has been telling me for the past four weeks since that dreadful day.

 "Miiiishhhhkaaaa." I hear someone murmur just behind me; the tent grows colder and chills me to the bone.

I see long vines branch out of the shadow and land on the hem of my quilt. And then I feel it: the tug on my quilt.

I throw the quilt aside and jump over Amar. He doesn't move. I ignore him and keep my eyes glued to the Thing's shadow as it struggles with the quilt.

Grabbing the opportunity, I pull at the tent entrance with more force than necessary and end up getting my index finger cut. It stings; I ignore it and run out, belatedly realizing that I had forgotten to grab the flashlight, but there was no way that I was going back!

I dash into the woods. The light from the moon illuminates my path.

Keeping to the trail, I try to run as fast as I can, but winds don't give up whispering my name.

I itch to turn back. I want to know who it is.

"Don't pretend, Mishkaaaaa. You know who I ammmm." The wind howls next to my ear.

I stumble.

I fall face first; a throbbing pain shoots through my forehead; I ignore it and stand up; I run. I keep running.

 Disoriented and in pain, I forget to keep out of the denser regions; I go off-trail.

My feet slow down. My breaths come in puffs: dense white puffs.

No. I have to outrun it!

"Miiiishhhhkaaaa, you can't outrun meee." The wind howls, mocking me, teasing me.

I cut through the twigs and thick bushes, and they take their vengeance: they tear my clothes, slash my face and limbs.

Sweat drips into my eyes. I blink. I wipe it, and the back of my palm comes away bloody.

I realize that I am bleeding, but don't stop; my will to get away is stronger.

 I put one foot in front of the other without thinking until I end up at the bank of a river.

I stop.

I don't know how to swim!

I turn around and come face to face with Amar. 

My mind clears, "You shouldn't be here. I killed you!" I yell; he smirks and drags, "I came to get youuuuu, Mishkaaaaa." 

His body morphs: his limbs elongate.

I turn away, gearing to outrun him once again, but he is faster; his vein-like limbs wrap around me.

Pulling me close, he chokes me and breaths into my ear, "You have run enough, Sweetheart. It's time to stop now."


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