The Delivery

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I wish I could be the pizza that is presently tucked safely inside the hotbox. Though it is going to meet its end soon, at least it is warm and comfortable at the moment.

I curse my financial situation as the unrelenting rain soaks me through and through, chilling me to the bone.

My GPS beeps, signaling that I had arrived at the location. I find myself in front of a two-storied house engulfed in darkness; it looks abandoned.

Was someone playing a prank on me!?

After all, it's Halloween, pranking people was not unheard of in this part of the town.

I look at my watch and realize that it was almost midnight. "Well, that's just great!" I mutter under the breath and walk towards the door. A cold gush of wind brushes past my shoulder, making me stop dead in my track. I look around, and gathering my courage, knock on the door, "Pizza delivery!" I yell.

The door creeks open.

"Miranda?" I enquire, staring at the familiar face that holds an alluring smile.

"Andy! I didn't expect it to be you!" She exclaims, before shrugging, "Anyway, you are right on time." The beauty states, batting her long dark lashes.

Tongue-tied, I clear my throat; after much thought as to how to proceed, I come up with a single dumb syllable, "Mn?"

She laughs: open and gorgeous; my heart skips multiple beats, and my eyes lower. I pretend to get interested in an insignificant pebble on the floor.

She chuckles, and her church bell-like laughter makes my heart flutter.

"Andy, I am waiting." She states, pointing at the pizza in my arms.

"Sorry, " I mutter and hand it over, "That will be 15 dollars," I add, feeling pathetic. I wanted to give Miranda moon and stars, and yet, couldn't even afford to treat her to a pizza.

As if reading my mind, she shakes her head, a sad smile plays at the corner of her lips, "Is this your last delivery?" She demands, and when I nod, her smile widens; she asks sweetly, "Then it would be fine if you came in and stayed for a bit, right?"

I couldn't believe my luck, "I guess." I shrug. She opens the door wider and moves, gesturing me to enter.

As soon as I step inside, the smell of rusting iron assaults my senses; I hear the door close behind me with a sharp click, and the room plunges into darkness.

Reflexively, my body stiffens; I try to get my phone out of the pocket, but at that very moment, Miranda's fingers brush against the nape of my neck, and my phone slips out of my hand and falls to the floor.


"I am sorry, did I startle you?" She whispers in my ears. Her cold breath caresses my jaw, making shivers run down my spine.

"No. I was careless." I state, picking it up, "Why is it so dark?" I ask distractedly, trying to switch on the flashlight, but it doesn't turn on.

"Occupational hazard." She replies, grabbing my wrist. "Follow me." She commands, pulling me further into the home. "I am so glad that it was you. I like you."

She likes me!

My heart starts pounding. In my euphoric state, I fail to notice that the fingers grabbing me were not soft and smooth but rough and dry.

She likes me!

Her voice sounds different as well, but I dismiss it; maybe she is as excited as I am but is trying to hide it, I tell myself, following her unsuspectingly.

She stops in front of a door; I can see a faint glow emanating from the gap under it, "It's here." She informs. No sound leaves the room, but she nods; her grip on my wrist tightens, making me look at her fingers: pale, wrinkled, and lifeless.

My breath falters as my eyes move to her back. Instead of red glossy shoulder-length hair, wispy gray hair mocks me.

What the hell!?

I blink, but the scene before me doesn't change. The faint smell of rusting iron is now like a thick blanket, enveloping and suffocating me.

I struggle to breathe.

Meanwhile, Miranda pulls me towards a diamond-shaped window. The light of the full moon reflects in her hazel gray eyes.

It's my Miranda. But then who was holding me just now!?

"What's wrong, Andy? You don't look so good." She observes, leaning in and wiping the sweat off my brow, "You look like you have seen a ghost." She worries her bottom lip. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Tea?" I repeat, wondering why a seventeen-year-old would be offering me such a boring beverage, but before I can voice my thoughts, she elaborates, "It's chamomile. It will calm your nerves." She hesitates, "You look nervous."

"Ah! Yes, please." I stutter.

She disappears into the darkness after giving me a dazzling smile; I contemplate leaving, but the hope of a future together stops me.

Before I know it, she returns and places a cup filled with dark brown liquid in front of me, "Drink." She urges, and I do what she desires.
She sits in front of me as I drink my tea. She doesn't speak. Her eyes lock with mine, and a need to sleep fills me.

My eyes grow heavy, but I don't look away from the hazel orbs. I should have, for the next moment, Miranda's hazel colored eyes turn black, her glossy red hair fall in patches, and thin greying sparse strands take their place, her firm youthful skin starts peeling off, leaving matted looking cracked surface in its place.

I blink, but the nightmare continues. Miranda leans in and once again whispers like before, "I am glad that it was you. I like you." She looks over her shoulder and then back at me; she adds, "I am sure me and my sisters will enjoy you."


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