A Very Supernatural Halloween

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"Sammy," Dean Winchester, the older of the two (usually fearless) hunter brothers, whispers, tugging at the hem of his younger brother, Sam's plaid shirt.

Keeping his eyes on the suspicious-looking goblet, that Sam could have sworn was giving off steam just moments ago, the younger man offers a distracted, "Hm?" to his brother.

"Sammy!" The whisper takes a tone of urgency, and Sam looks over his shoulder, "What!?" he whispers back, only to see that his brother was not behind him anymore.

Sam turns around, "Dean?" and feels the tug on his shirt. He looks at the blotches of red liquid smeared on the floor and finds a very distraught looking Dean sitting in a corner with his knees pulled to his chest.

"Dean!" The younger brother panics and crouches next to his brother, "What's wrong?"

Dean shakes his head; without looking at the younger, he answers, "Sammy, there is something very wrong here. I don't feel so good."

"Dean, are you sure it's not the triple meat burger, two large fries, and a slice of pie you ate for lunch?" Sam enquires skeptically, a hint of judgment lingering in the facts.

Dean looks up; he is sweating profoundly. He shakes his head, "Dude! Don't blame the pie. Never," he pauses and stressing the last syllable he adds, "blame the pie. The pie is sacred."

"Damn it, Dean. If this is just you trying to pull a stupid Halloween prank on me, I swear to-"

"Don't say God or Chuck, alright. I am not trying to pull anything here. I can feel it, Sam."

Sam sighs, "Fine. Then tell me what you feel."

"Scared, stressed, freaked... do you smell sulfur?" Dean demands abruptly and promptly buries his face between his knees.

"Dean, since when has the smell of sulfur bothered you? Stand up, will you? You are embarrassing me!"

"Embarrassing you!? We are the only ones here, Sam, aren't we?" Dean's voice trembles, and he looks around.

"Seriously, dude, get up. It was your idea to check out this place," Sam makes air quotes and adds, "Just for fun."

"You think I am having fun, Sammy!?" Dean fumes.

"Fine, suit yourself. Stay here. I am going to go check out the rest of this place." Sam states. But as soon as he takes a step forward, Dean launches himself at his brother's foot and clings to it like a child to his candy, "Don't you dare leave your older brother like this, Sammy!" he exclaims, throwing hesitant glances in all four directions.

Sam closes his eyes and sighs again. With Chuck turning out to be a dick, and most of the angels - except Cas and Gabriel - proving themselves to be nothing but a pain in the butt, the younger hunter did not even have the option to call upon the almighty to rid him of his present predicament. So he decides to do what he does best, suck it up and hope for the best. "Dean, do you want to try opening the doors again?" he asks in a calm tone, directing his trademark  'vulnerable puppy' look at his brother.

"Yes, please." Dean coos rubbing his sick o'clock shadow on Sam's calf.

"Good. Great." Sam nods and helps Dean up. The older immediately clings to the younger's muscular arm, "Thanks for believing me, Sammy."

"Don't mention it," Sam looks at Dean, snuggling into his forearm and adds, "Seriously, don't."

His words, however, don't make a lick of difference. If anything, Dean plasters the rest of himself to his brother's side and pouts, "I am ready. Let's move."

Cursing his stars and the call that had made them check out the horror house they were presently stuck in, Sam takes a few steps towards the goblet that had previously caught his eye.

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