Hyung's Warning

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"Key Hyung, I am on my way," Taemin shakes his head and smiles as Key dots on him some more. "Hyung, please eat well." He teases, recalling old days when SHINee were together, and everyone used to baby him.

He smirks, holding the phone away from his ear as Key gives him another earful, and when the older man has calmed down, Taemin speaks, "Happy Halloween to you too, Hyung. Saranghae. See you soon."

As he disconnects the call, his mind drifts to happier times. He remembers how each of his four Hyungs used to teach him something different; he remembers how excited and full of life they were.

He had just finished recording his new single and had decided to walk back home instead of taking a cab.

"Home, do I even have a home anymore?" He wonders.

No, Lee Taemin did not have a home. He had a house, and sometimes, he had a hotel room that he called his house for a few days or weeks, depending on his commitments.

The street is unusually deserted.

"Maybe tonight was not a good day to walk back home." He reasons, pulling his jacket tighter around himself.

'Was it this cold when I started?' He wonders, looking around the quiet street. A need to snuggle up in front of the artificial fireplace with hot cocoa to warm his lonely heart fills him, and he takes out his phone, intending to find a route that will get him home faster.

'Turn right. Walk five hundred meters. Take a left. Walk two hundred meters. Your destination will be on your right.' The device instructs.

"It will take me roughly seven minutes to reach the hotel if I take this route." He calculates and turns right. He takes a few steps before stopping.

"This can't be right!" He shakes his head and takes out his phone. Switching on the flashlight, he illuminates the narrow path that his GPS had guided him to, "It's a forest!" He exclaims, all but changing his mind, when a gush of icy wind stops him. Shrugging, he decides to give his GPS a chance.

Keeping his flashlight on the narrow trail, he takes a step forward when he hears his name called.

'Taemin-Ah, don't enter.' A familiar voice warns, and he stops. "Jonghyun Hyung?" He asks hesitantly, for the maknae knew the voice all too well.

His suspicions are confirmed a split second later when his second-oldest Hyung steps out of darkness.

The two pairs of eyes meet.

Taemin's eyes widen, 'Hyung died three years ago!" The voice inside him screams; Taemin panics and staggers back. He shakes his head and closes his eyes, "I am hallucinating. I miss him; I was thinking about him, that's why-"

"Taemin-Ah," The man whispers; the maknae stops blabbing and looks at him.

Jonghyun, his Hyung, is still there. A sense of calm washes over him, "Hyung, is that really you?" He enquires.

"Yes." The older replies; Looking alert, he adds, "Don't enter the forest."

"Why, Hyung?"

"It's not safe. The trail is damaged. If you venture inside, I am afraid you won't be able to come out unharmed." Jonghyun elaborates, looking around furtively.

Taemin doesn't miss his Hyung's tensed body and creased forehead. 'He is worried.' Taemin concludes and questions, "What is it, Hyung?"

"Taemin-Ah, promise me that you will keep out of it." The older man pleads, ignoring the younger's question.

The words are urgent and desperate; Taemin doesn't have the heart to refuse. He nods, "I promise, I will not enter." He stats; JongHyun nods and takes a step closer, "Tell Onew not to judge himself too hard, tell Key that I believe in him, and tell Minho to be careful." He pauses and looks over his shoulder.

When Jonghyun looks at Taemin again, there are tears in his eyes, "It's time for me to go. I am proud of all of you." He finishes and walks closer; he smiles, "Taemin Ah, no matter what anyone says, always remember that you are doing good, you always have and you always will. And if you ever feel any different, don't stop yourself from reaching out to your Hyungs. They will always be there for you; SHINee will always be there for you."

With that, and one last carefree smile, Jonghyun disappears, leaving Taemin alone. "Hyung?" He calls softly. No one replies; he feels wetness on his cheeks and wipes it with the back of his hand. He turns away from the woods and takes the long but known route back home.

Once home, he calls up his Hyungs one by one and repeats Jonghyun's words to them. Of course, he doesn't mention that the words were not his own but of their dear departed teammate and friend.

He keeps silent when his Hyungs tease him and call him dramatic; he knows that what he had seen, heard and felt, was real.

That night, when sleep embraces Taemin, he doesn't feel alone. He feels at home: happy and whole.

 He feels at home: happy and whole

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Note :- Glossary

Hyung :- term used to address older men; literal meaning, “older brother”, used between men only.

Saranghae :- (I) love you.

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