Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven : The Prank War is On

"Looking a bit green there, aren't you, Hale?"

~ Third Person ~

"Look Tina," Y/n started, putting her hands and head on the Ravenclaw table as she sat  in front of Tina.

Eleanor sat next to Tina, reading the Daily Prophet over her shoulder. Stacey sat down next to Y/n, taking a piece of toast from Eleanor's plate. Tina only glanced at Y/n and made a disapproving noise. Y/n sighed in annoyance, rubbing her temples to try and calm her banging head.

"I'm sorry, ok?"

Tina tutted, ignoring Y/n completely as she took a drink of her pumpkin juice.

"Look, we don't have time for this! I need your help. We all do." Y/n said, waving her hand in the direction of Stacey and Eleanor.

Tina sighed and slammed the paper down on the table, causing it to shake slightly. She raised an eyebrow and clasped her hands together, resting her head on them. She sighed once more, narrowing her eyes at Y/n, who cowered slightly in fright.

"What have you done this time?" Tina asked tiredly.

Y/n mocked shock and gave out a huff.

"I haven't done anything, thank you very much!" she said indignantly, crossing her arms over her chest as she pouted.

"Yeah right." Tina scoffed under breath, straightening up a bit as she rested her hands on the table.

"Ok fine," Y/n said, rolling her eyes. "I may or may not of accepted to do a prank war with the Marauders. But I mean, that's whatever —" Y/n said, waving her hand dismissively as Tina stared at her, wide-eyed.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Tina shouted, making heads turn in their direction.

"Keep your voice down, will you?" Stacey said, smiling awkwardly at the people looking at them.

"Nothing to see here folks, just talking about... homework." Stacey shouted to everyone in the Great Hall, smiling nervously as she caught Minnie's eye. Mcgonagall had raised an unimpressed brow when Stacey said that they were talking about homework, knowing very well that Stacey was lying.

"Look, we need your help, ok? We need the brains in order for our pranks to actually work." Y/n said.

Tina scoffed in disbelief.

"Hey! Who ate my toast?" Eleanor suddenly shouted, looking around the table for her toast. Stacey started whistling as she looked any where but Eleanor. Y/n and Tina both ignored their idiotic friends as they glared at each other.

"You're all Ravenclaws, you can figure this out on your own." Tina said, standing up. She swung her bag over her shoulder and walked out of the Great Hall, ignoring her friends' calls.

"Dammit." Y/n sighed in frustration.

"C'mon N/n, we're gonna be late for class if we don't hurry up. We want to make a good impression on Mcgonagall if we want help from her." Stacey said, patting Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n groaned but got up none the less. She, Eleanor and Stacey, walked to Transfiguration, where they sat near each other (Y/n and Stacey next to each other with Eleanor in front of them).

Unlike the other lessons that they had with Mcgonagall (or any in general), they actually listened to her and took notes, not disturbing the class once.

Mcgonagall had been surprised when they had walked up to her after class, thinking that they had skipped class (like they had done on a few occasions).

"Hale, Malfoy, Greening," greeted Mcgonagall, looking at them suspiciously as she packed her bag.

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