People suck

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**Beifong added 'Korra' to: "The krew" **

Hot girl #7 [09:31]:

Beifong [09:31]:
I mean she's hanging out with us all the time we might as well right?

Hot girl #7 [09:31]:
You guys are the worst

Korra woke up to a couple of weird notification, and once she adjusted to the light from her phone and blinked away sleep she grinned proudly, quickly saving the unknown numbers she recognized in her phone while feeling extremely smug at the same time.

Korra [09:34]:
Asami sweetheart, u can stop pretending you don't like me now, we don't buy it.

Thick brows [09:34]:
Ohhh snap!

Hot girl #7 [09:35]:

Hot girl #7 [09:35]:
And don't call me sweetheart!

Korra [09:35]:
Whatever cutie

Hot girl #7 [09:36]:
Shouldn't you be focusing on getting your ass over here, sleepyhead?

Korra blinked at that, re-reading the text over and over, trying to understand why Asami was inviting her over. Not that she minded, morning sex was always welcome, but it was quite odd.

Then, her eyes landed on the time.


She jumped out of the bed, pulling on the first set of clothes she found and checked her phone to see when did the next bus come, and worried her lip when she saw it was in five more minutes. So, not even checking to see how she looked or stopping for breakfast, She just ran outside. She barely managed to catch the bus, but on the last possible second got up. Heaving, she took a seat, finally able to breathe in and relax. She was still super late, but at that point there wasn't anything she could do about it. It was just really annoying because it's been a while since she's been in Tenzin's office, but the math teacher was no doubt going to send her right in.

She pushed the thoughts aside, classifying those as future Korra's problems and instead opened her phone out of boredom, seeing that 'the krew' apperanatly kept babbling on while she was too busy panicking.

Hot girl #7 [09:43]:
Guess I won :P

Tenzin Junior [09:44]:
Can u 2 stop flirting omg

Hot girl #7 [09:45]:

Hot girl#7 [09:45]:
As if

Fuck brows [09:45]:
Asami's out of her league anyways :P

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