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What the fuck am I doing?

Korra didn't go home after the whole Hiroshi thing, and her parents were currently blowing up her phone. She ignored them however, not even bothering to text them that she's alive. She didn't feel like going home after the incident, so she just wandered around town, thinking.

The thing is, Korra didn't have anyone to turn to. Asami hated her, Asami's friends knew about everything, Tahno and his gang weren't friends with Korra anymore... She just ran out of people.

So, this is how she found herself in front of Lyla's house.

But she didn't have the courage to go in, she just found herself a bench and sat down, staring at the place her ex lived in.

Before Lyla was her mythological ex, she was Korra's best friend. So in her mind, maybe Lyla would listen, maybe she'd understand.

But they weren't friends anymore, and Korra couldn't go through with it.

Which meant that Korra was completely alone.

Korra considered going to see Naga, but the last time she saw Naga she was with Asami, and Korra didn't need a reminder of what happened.

Once again she heard her ringtone, and looking at the caller ID, she saw it was her parents and declined again, resuming to staring at Lyla's house.

Maybe I should knock? She revisited the idea. Just for a lack of a better idea?

But what the fuck was she supposed to say? 'Hey Lyla, I know we haven't seen each other in two years and that we used to date but wanna hear about the problems I have with this new girl that hates me and I'm in love with? So basically I slept with her and then she found out that I was only initially interested because I made a bet with my friends that I can get her to sleep with me and now she hates me. Anyways, wanna see my Renegade?'

Yeah, right.

She sighed and leaned backwards on the bench, dropping her head back and looking at the sky.

When did it all go so wrong?

She also gave what Opal and Kya said a lot of thought, about her showing Asami that she had changed, but how? She already changed her contact name, obviously (it was the first thing she did actually) and she already tried to explain, so what else could she do?

She wasn't very optimistic about Asami listening... Even when Korra literally grabbed Hiroshi it was obvious that Asami didn't want to hear anything from Korra ever again. So what now?

Her phone rang again, and Korra groaned in frustration. Sure, it was really fucking late, but can't her parents just catch the damn hint that she wasn't feeling well?

Finally, she decided to answer the phone.

"What?" She snarled.

But the voice that answered wasn't her dad, nor was it her mom. It was a complete stranger.

"Uh, hello? Do you know a young girl with dark wavy hair and green eyes? She's here in the Dancing Ferret bar and she needs someone to take her home."

Korra perked up. "Asami?" She asked.

The person on the other line seemed to have covered the phone with his hand. "Your name is Asami?" Came his muffled voice, and a moment later he replied to Korra's question. "Yep, that's her. She asked me to call for you, can you come?"

Could she? Not really... She knew that bar, it was on the other side of town and Korra didn't even have her license, nor did she know where Jinora lived. It just seemed impossible.

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