1 - Horace Slughorn

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Death Eater's attack Muggle bridge in London, death count still rising. Afterwards, they broke into Diagon Alley, kidnapping Garrick Ollivander, owner of Ollivander's wand shop. We suspect the six death eaters involved are of the few partaking in Voldemort's Army.


Harry and I had spent the day riding the underground trains all over London. After stopping at the Leaky Cauldron for the paper, we made our way to a small coffee shop inside one of the train stations. "This is insane, hundreds of muggles must've been killed," I whispered across the table. The coffee shop was empty, except for the waitress, which Harry couldn't take her eyes off of. "What would you two like to drink?" she asked. "I'll take a cappuccino please," I said. "Same," Harry smiled at her.

"Would you just ask her already?" I kicked him under the table. "She's cute, go get her," I coaxed him. "Ugh, fine," he smirked. She walked back to the table with our coffees. "Funny that paper of yours," she smiled, pointing at the newspaper. That's when I noticed a smaller section of the paper on the back. Draco's father had been sent to Azkaban. A picture of his mugshot along with Draco and his Mother leaving the trial sat in the corner of the paper. I hope Draco's alright.

"Harry Potter, who's Harry Potter?" she began reading the paper. "No one, bit of a tosser really," Harry said suddenly. I almost coughed on my coffee knowing he'd called himself that. "A couple nights ago I could've sworn I'd seen your face somewhere, thought I was going mad," she smiled. "Really?" he laughed. Jeez, the tension; just kiss already. She slowly began walking back behind the counter when I kicked Harry in the leg. He looked at me then turned. "Hey, I was wondering-" "Eleven, that's when I get off, you can tell me all about that tosser Harry Potter," she smiled.

"Harry," I whispered. "What is it?" he asked, turning back to me. "There's someone on the other platform," I pointed out the window. "Yeah, that's kind of what trains are for," he looked at me. "Something feels off," I chugged my coffee before walking leaving the café, Harry running after me. As the train passed, we saw Professor Dumbledore on the opposite side of the platform.

We swiftly ran over, meeting him on the opposite side. "Professor Dumbledore," I said, slight confusion in my voice. "You two have been reckless this summer," he said calmly. "I like riding around on trains, takes my mind off things," Harry said. "I've got a wonderous tale about trains, but now is not the time to tell it," he exclaimed. "What are you doing here, if I may ask, Professor?" I questioned him.

"Take my arm," he held both his arms out. I grabbed one gently. "Do as I say," he said to Harry, as he looked back at the waitress who was waiting for him. Harry sighed then took his other arm, and we were thrown into a twisting whirl of darkness. Harry and I screamed as we landed on a paved road, in the middle of a town. I'd fallen over, and scraped my knee. Harry helped me up.

"We've just apparated, haven't we?" I asked, standing wobblily. "Yes, and quite successfully. Most people vomit the first time," Dumbledore said. "I can't imagine why," Harry mumbled. Suddenly, Dumbledore began to walk. Harry and I glanced at each other, then followed after him. We came upon a dimly lit house.

"I assume you two are wondering why I've brought you here," he stated. "Actually sir after all these years I've just sort of gone with it," Harry mumbled. A creak came from inside the house. "Wands out," Dumbledore said quietly. I took my wand out from my pocket. "Lumos," I whispered, as we walked inside. The entirety of the house had been trashed. Broken glass lay on the floor, furniture turned over.

"Horace," Dumbledore whispered. The only thing that hadn't been touched was a pink and white satin armchair. Something dripped onto my arm. "Ew," I muttered, holding my wand up to the ceiling. "Blood," I whispered, my heart beating heavily. Dumbledore touched it, smelling it with his fingers. "Dragons blood, it's a set up," he whispered.

Dumbledore walked over to the armchair, and poked it with his wand. "Merlin's beard!" An old man's head popped out of it, causing me to stumble backwards and fall into Harry's grasp. "No need to disfigure me Albus," he spoke, turning back into his human form, wearing pink and white striped pajamas. "Well I must say you make a very convincing arm chair Horace," Dumbledore said.

"Ah yes, introductions," Dumbledore said as Harry stood me back on my feet. "Harry, Caroline, I'd like you to meet an old friend and colleague of mine, Horace Slughorn," Dumbledore exclaimed. "Hi," I said softly, slightly embarrassed at my clumsiness. "Harry Potter," Slughorn said. "So what's with all the theatrics Horace? You weren't by any chance waiting for someone else?" Dumbledore questioned.

"The Death Eaters have been trying to recruit me for weeks, I have to stay somewhere different every two weeks," he sighed. "Well let's fix this place up for them, shall we?" Dumbledore said, and with a wave of his wand, the room began to rearrange itself. I watched in awe as the crystal chandelier that hung on the ceiling lit, each crystal placing itself back in order.

"That was fun. Do you mind if I use the loo?" Dumbledore asked. "Sure. Don't think I don't know why you're here Albus, the answer is still no, absolutely no," Slughorn yelled. "Ah, and who might you be?" he turned to me. "Caroline Bellegreen sir," I said shyly. "Ah, two powerful wizards standing in my room, how lovely, I assume you have the golden magic like your mother?" he asked. I was taken aback. "If I may ask sir, how do you know that?" I asked.

"I taught your Mother."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟑)Where stories live. Discover now