7 - The Half Blood Prince

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I had zoned out when Dumbledore explained the memory to Harry. "Caroline?" Dumbledore said. "Oh- um, sorry, I got distracted," I said. Harry stood by the door waiting for us to finish. "I want you to keep a close eye on Draco for me," he exclaimed. "Of course, sir," I nodded. "He's up to something peculiar, I'd like you to figure out what then alert the order," Dumbledore continued. "I will," I said confidently.

As I turned to leave, he grabbed my arm. "May I remind you death eaters can be very persuasive, I suggest you be careful. I presume you have no intent on switching sides," he raised an eyebrow. "I would never, Sir. Not on my Mother," I assured him. "Very well, you two may go," we were ushered out of his office.

Harry and I returned to the common room. "What'd he ask you to do?" I asked. "To get close to Slughorn, for a memory of Tom Riddle," Harry said. "Interesting. Well, we'll talk tomorrow," I whispered, opening the dormitory door.

Three weeks later...

Draco and I still hadn't made up. I'd woken up quite early, the sun just starting to rise as I walked through the empty corridors. I needed some air. As I turned, I spotted Draco entering the room of requirement. My heart began to beat faster as I hid around the wall, running quietly to the door and slipped inside before it shut. The room of requirement was no longer a party room, or a training room; It was filled with junk.

I darted behind piles of random items, keeping quiet so he wouldn't see me. Draco approached a tall cabinet, covered with a tarp. As he removed the dusty cloth, I couldn't help but notice it looked exact to the one inside of Borgin and Burkes. A green apple sat snug in his hand, as he examined the interesting piece of furniture.

He studied it carefully. He didn't even open it, or touch it. Almost as if he was scared. I hid under a table as he walked out of the room, back into the Hogwarts corridors. I finally exhaled; I hadn't known I'd been holding my breath for so long. I walked back to the door, making sure nobody was in the halls, then walked to the great hall for breakfast. There were a few students, including Draco.

I ignored his gaze, sitting down at Gryffindor table. I didn't even eat anything; neither did he. Thank Merlin Harry, Ron and Ginny walked in. "Why're you up so early?" I asked them. "Quidditch tryouts, same as you dummy," Ginny smiled. "Right," I looked down. I'd forgotten I was in my quidditch uniform, my hair tied in a messy braid that ran down my back. "Eat up, we don't want you passing out at the pitch," Harry said. I just smiled, picking up a piece of toast with some butter.

I wanted to tell them about Draco, but that would have to come later. I didn't want to ruin the mood. After eating a bit and the great hall filled with people, we headed down to the quidditch pitch for team tryouts. Hermione had sat down in the audience, which consisted of a few students. Luna and Neville had come to watch Ginny and I tryout. Hermione sat with them, near a girl named Lavender Brown. She was sweet and all, but a bit too excitable for me. Her energy was a bit overwhelming.

We all stood on the grass, I was next to Ginny behind Harry. Everyone was rioting over who would get in, except for Ron. I couldn't tell if he was scared for tryouts or scared of the punches being thrown behind him. "Alright um, this morning I'm going to be testing you with a few drills to, well, assess your strengths," Harry stammered. Nobody was listening. "Quiet, please," Harry said.

"SHUT IT," I flinched as Ginny yelled, the crowd of tryouts immediately zipping their lips closed. "Thanks," Harry sighed. "Now, um, remember just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year, is that clear?" he said. We all nodded. "Good, get up there then," Harry said.

We all hopped on our broomsticks, ready to play. Ron was the first keeper, some weird kid named Cormac the second. He was cute, but his personality was so bloody stuck up I couldn't be within ten feet of him. Apparently he'd been trying to flirt with Hermione a lot so far this year. She was quite disgusted.

I got in my beater position, two other boys were trying out. Their names were Ritchie and Jimmy. Ritchie was a bit of an ass, but Jimmy was quite nice. I wouldn't mind playing with him. I defended Ginny, as usual. Tryouts passed quickly, and we were soon back on the ground.

"Good job everyone, the team will be posted by Monday morning outside the great hall," Harry smiled. We changed in the lockers, then met Hermione, Luna and Neville afterwards. "Good job guys," Neville smiled. "Thanks," we smiled back. Ginny and I had done well. Ron was a bit shaky at first, but he got the hang of things quickly. "That block was incredible, Ron," Lavender blushed, squealing as we walked back to the castle. "Oh, um, thanks," he said. She ran off into the corridors.

"I think you've got a bit of an admirer," I rolled my eyes at him. "I agree," Luna smiled at me. "I'm sure it's nothing," Ron said quietly. We waved goodbye as Luna and Neville walked to Ravenclaw tower. Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and I all sat around the fireplace. "I have to admit I didn't think I was going to make that last one," Ron smiled. "Cormac's got a bit of a thing for you, Mione," Ron smirked. "He's vile," Hermione scoffed.

"Have you ever heard of this spell? Sectumsempra?" Harry showed us his potions book. "No, and if you had a shred of self respect you'd hand that book in," Hermione mumbled. "She's right, it's like carrying around a giant bloody cheat sheet," I rolled my eyes. "You're only mad because it makes me better than you," Harry smirked. "You mean as good, you couldn't be better than me," I scoffed jokingly. "He's top of the class, Slughorn thinks he's a genius," Ron laughed.

"I'd like to know who's that book is," Hermione stood. "No," Harry said defensively. "Why?" "The binding is fragile," Harry stammered. "The binding is fragile," I mocked him, giggling. Ginny quietly tip toed up behind him, taking the book out of his hand. She flipped open to the first page. "Let me see," I looked over her shoulder.

"Who's the half blood prince?"

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟑)Where stories live. Discover now