29 - The Astronomy Tower

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One week later

I wasn't well enough to walk quite yet. I could move my limbs, but I still required a left arm brace, and my legs were still quite wobbly. Despite everything magic can do, sometimes recuperating takes time on it's own.

I had to wheel around in a wheelchair when I wasn't practicing trying to walk without losing my balance. Ginny would wheel me through the halls when Snape and his little friends weren't snooping. For now, Professor McGonagall was in charge, but we all knew that would change quickly.

Snape had already been working on a group of death eaters to monitor classes. I couldn't help but ask myself why Snape was even allowed in the school at this point; not like we ever saw him. I was excused from classes as I spent most the day in the hospital wing, aside from meals, which Ginny would wheel me to.

I'd been arranged to stay with the Weasley's in the rebuilt burrow over the summer. It was small, so they only had room for one extra person.

Harry would be staying with his aunt and uncle, while Hermione would stay with her parents. I was excited to spend the summer with the Weasley's. Molly had sent a letter, asking if it was alright, as my Dad had died there only a few months earlier. I decided not to let my fear get the best of me.

Madam Pomfrey seemed happy with my progress, and Professor McGonagall would come visit me every day at two o'clock for tea. Despite the dark forces which had made it's way into the castle, they had made me see who my true friends and family were. And they were all here, right in front of me. Except one.

I hadn't seen Draco since that one night, neither had I told anyone he'd come back to see me. I tried not to think about it, but I knew I wouldn't see him for a long time. We had to search for these horcruxes once I recovered fully; we probably wouldn't return for seventh year. We'd discussed our plan with Professor McGonagall in private, she was in support as long as we stayed safe.

Two weeks later...

I could walk now. All that was left were the scars. Madam Pomfrey let me take a jar of scar healing potion that I could use every night that would heal them over time.

Ron, Hermione, Harry and I all stood atop the astronomy tower, gazing out over the landscape as the golden sun lit the water surrounding the castle.

"Do you think he would've done it? Draco?" Hermione asked.

"No. No, he was lowering his wand," Harry exclaimed.

"I think I've proven to you all at this point that he really is a good person," I mumbled, sitting next to Ron as Harry and Hermione stood near the railing.

"In the end it was Snape. It was always Snape. And I did nothing." Harry muttered.

"You couldn't have, there were dozens of death eaters," I assured him.

"Well you're the one who managed to kill them all, weren't you?" Harry smiled.

"Yeah, nearly killing myself in the process," I rolled my eyes.

I realized he was right. I'd killed over a dozen death eaters now in my lifetime; two when I was four, three during the battle in the department of mysteries, now eleven just a month ago. I was probably top of their hit list right about now. I knew Draco wouldn't be able to protect me any further; I'd have to protect myself.

"It's fake, open it," Harry walked over to me, handing me the locket. I clicked the lock open, revealing an old, dirty note.

"To The Dark Lord,

I know you will be dead long before I read this, but I want you to know that it is I who discovered your secret. I've stolen the real horcrux in an attempt to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more.


I finished reading.

"Who's R A B?" Ron asked.

"Those initials sound familiar, but I'm not quite sure where they're from," I stood up, puzzled as I handed Harry the locket back.

"Whoever they are they have the real horcrux, which means it was all a waste. All of it." Harry muttered.

A moment of silence washed over the tower, all of us staring off into the mountains.

"Ron's okay with it you know," Hermione whispered over to Harry, just loud enough for the three of us to hear. "You and Ginny." she smirked.

"If I were you, when he's around, I'd keep the snogging to the minimum," I playfully hit his arm. He laughed.

"I'm not coming back, guys. I've got to finish whatever Dumbledore started," Harry exclaimed.

"Hey, the plan was for us to come with you," I exclaimed.

"It's too dangerous," he pleaded.

"I've always admired your courage Harry, but sometimes you can be really thick headed," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"You don't think you're going to be able to find all those horcruxes by yourself, do you mate?" Ron stood up, standing beside us.

"We're coming with you, whether you like it or not," I smiled.


He hesitated, looking away, but I'd been quite convincing.


A beautiful phoenix flew overhead, soaring through the clouds as we stood. It was Dumbledore's.

"I think Fawke's agrees with our plan," I giggled.

"Yeah, he sure does."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟑)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin