2 - To the Burrow

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I was a bit shocked when he'd said he taught my Mother. "Did you by any chance also teach my Dad?" I asked happily. "Ah yes, William, he was the best in my class," Slughorn said excitedly. Slughorn turned to Harry. "You look a lot like your Father. Except the eyes, you have your-" "My Mother's eyes, yeah," Harry smiled. I'm pretty sure he'd gotten sick of hearing that.

"Then Lily.. Lovely Lily. A bright witch was she, even more impressive considering she was muggle born," Slughorn added. "One of my best friends is muggle born, she's the best in our year," Harry said. "Please don't think I'm prejudice oh no no, she was one of my absolute favorite students," he said. "See? She's right there," he pointed to a picture frame that sat on a large shelf. "And there's your Mother and Father," he motioned me to another picture. It was them in potions class together when they were just children.

"They were potions partners?" I asked, smiling at the picture. "They sure were," he smiled sadly. I looked at the rest of the shelf. It was full of past students. "All mine, each and every one, students I mean," Slughorn smiled proudly. He began to explain each picture, but my eyes wandered back to my Mother and Father every time.

"Do you mind if I duplicate this photo, sir?" I asked hopefully. "Of course dear," he pulled out his wand, and handed me the copy he'd made. I slipped it into my pocket. "Thank you," I smiled.

"Horace?" Dumbledore yelled, reentering the room holding a magazine. "Do you mind if I take this? I do love knitting patterns," he asked. "Yes of course, but you're not leaving are you?" "I know a lost cause when I see one, regrettable, I would've considered it a great personal triumph to get you to return to Hogwarts. Well, bye bye Horace," Dumbledore motioned us outside.

As we began to walk away, the door burst open. "Alright, I'll do it, but I expect a raise, these are mad times, mad," Slughorn yelled. "Mad indeed," Dumbledore smiled. We began to walk down the sidewalk. "What exactly was that about, sir?" Harry asked. "The both of you are talented, famous, and powerful, everything Horace values. He's going to try to collect you two, you will be his crowning jewels, and that's why he's returning to Hogwarts. It is crucial that he does," Dumbledore said.

"I fear I may have stolen a wonderous night from you Harry, she was truly, quite pretty," Dumbledore exclaimed. "That's what I said," I giggled. "It's alright sir, I'll go back tomorrow, make some excuse," "Oh you won't be going back to Grimmauld Place tonight," Dumbledore said. "But what about our stuff?" I asked. "Lupin has already dropped everything off for you," he exclaimed. But where were we going?

He held out his arms again, and Harry and I were apparated into a swamp. "Thank Merlin I'm wearing my black sneakers," I scoffed as we trudged through the mud. We were at The Burrow. "Come on," I took Harry's hand and pulled him out of the swampy water, approaching the house. It stood on a flat plain of soft grass, seemingly being held up by powerful magic.

Harry spotted Ginny through the window. "Let's go," I smiled as we entered the front door. "Apparently they're wandering about the house somewhere," Ginny yelled. "Really?" Hermione said. "Really," Harry smiled as we walked into the living room. We'd politely left our shoes in the kitchen to avoid tracking dirt everywhere. "Harry!" Ginny threw her arms around him in a tight hug. I was practically blushing for her. Mrs. Weasley, Hermione and Ron ran down the stairs.

Ginny let go, giving me a big hug. Then was Hermione, Ron, and Mrs. Weasley. "Why didn't you two tell us you were coming?" she smiled. "Didn't know, Dumbledore," I said. "Oh, that man," Mrs. Weasley laughed. "Well, we'll get you settled in. Harry you'll stay in Ron's room, Caroline will be with Ginny," she smiled, sending us up the stairs. I ran excitedly up with Ginny, Lorelei following us up after she'd jumped off of my trunk.

"You can sleep here," Ginny motioned to a pull out mattress that lay on the floor with some knit blankets and pillows. "Thank you," I smiled, sitting down as Lorelei jumped into my arms. "What have you been doing this summer?" I asked her. We saw Fred and George's joke shop before it was fully finished, but I haven't seen it since opening day," she exclaimed, sitting on her windowsill seat. "Oh, and I've been talking to Dean Thomas," she smirked. "No way," I squealed. "Tell me everything."

She told me how they'd been writing letters over the summer and how they had started talking during the last few weeks of school. "Are you two dating?" I asked. "Yeah," she smiled. "Oh my gosh that's amazing, he's so cute," I smirked. "Are you and Draco still together?" my heart sunk a little as she asked me that. "I've been sending letters, but I haven't gotten a single response," I sighed. "That's unlike him," she crossed her arms. "I know, I'm worried. He wouldn't do it unless there was something wrong," I said.

"I think something's off in general. With all the death eater attacks, Mum lost it last week. Said Ron and I shouldn't go back to Hogwarts," Ginny said. "Why? I feel like that's the safest place we could be right now," I said. "Took a few days, but she came around," Ginny said. "It's been one hell of a day, I'm going to sleep," I yawned, laying down. "Night," Ginny smiled.


𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟑)Where stories live. Discover now