21 - The Boy's Bathroom

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Two days later...

Ron had been released from the hospital wing, and we were sitting at lunch. Harry and I sat on one side, Ron and Hermione on the other. Lavender sat at the Ravenclaw table, staring at Ron who was staring at her. He held his wand in his hand, and as they stared at each other, small snowflakes began to fall from above us, getting in my sandwich.

"Stop it Ron, you're making it snow," Hermione hissed at him. He broke away from Lavender's gaze. Harry and I wiped the snow off the table. "Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again," Ron looked to Hermione.

"Well, she came to visit you in the hospital wing, and you... Talked. I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation," Hermione said quietly.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her, it's just, she seems a bit put out," Ron said, as Harry and I turned around to look at her. Her face was pale, her curls in two pigtails as she clenched her spoon out of anger. "She looks possessed," I snorted.

"She does, doesn't she," Hermione giggled. "So you say, you don't remember anything? Anything at all, from that night?" Hermione looked at him desperately. Harry and I turned our eyes to one another for a moment.

"I mean, there's one thing, but it can't be," Ron scoffed. "I was passed out, wasn't I?" he laughed. Hermione let out a stiff laugh with him.

Harry just stared down into his potions book, examining the pages with curiosity. Suddenly, Hermione turned to the front of the room. "Guys, that's Katie, she's back from the hospital," Hermione whispered. Our heads whipped to the other end of the table, watching as Katie sat with her friends.

Harry stood up walking over to her. I saw them talking, when Draco came in through the door. He took a look at Harry, then to me, and immediately left. Harry began following after him. I stood up from my seat.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked. "After them," I said, rushing away. I walked quickly after the fading footsteps, which were now coming from the boys bathroom.

I stood quietly outside, pressing my body against the cold door, listening inside. "I know what you did Malfoy, you hexed her didn't you," Harry yelled.

I peered through the crack in the door, Draco turning around. He was crying. Harry held his wand up towards him, Draco's wand in his hand.

Before I could intervene, Harry ducked as Draco rocketed a spell at his head. Water began bursting from the bathroom sinks, flooding the floor as it leaked under the door crack, getting on my shoes.

Spells shot through the room as I stepped through the door. "What are you doing, stop-"

"SECTUMSEMPRA," Harry yelled, Draco's body hitting the floor.

Harry turned to look at me. "What did you do," I ran past him, standing over Draco's body. His chest began to bleed.

"WHAT DID YOU DO," I screamed, tears running down my face as Draco looked up at me, fear in his eyes. He couldn't breathe; his chest had been ripped apart by the spell, his body bleeding out onto the floor.

Harry stood in shock as I pulled out my wand. "Emendo," I whimpered, but his chest didn't close. "Why isn't it working," I panted frantically, watching as Draco's blood mixed with the water on the floor.

"I'm gonna die," Draco choked, holding onto my hand. "No you're not, emendo," I repeated myself. The spell didn't work. "Harry do something," I pleaded. He ran out the door. "HARRY," I screamed. "HELP," I begged, but nobody could hear me.

"Please don't leave me," I whimpered, holding onto Draco's hand as he looked up at me fearfully, his mouth sputtering blood.

Footsteps echoed through the halls. "HELP," I cried. Snape entered. He crouched down next to me, pulling out his wand. "Vulnera sanentur, vulnera sanentur, vulnera sanentur," he repeated, Draco's blood pulling back into his body, his ripped wounds closing.

Professor McGonagall walked in shortly after. "What has happened?" she asked, in shock. "Would you please escort Miss Bellegreen back to her dormitory?" Snape asked. "No, let me stay with him, please-" I begged, but he didn't listen. "Now," Snape said. I stood up, drying my tears, my robes soaked in water.

Professor McGonagall dried my robes, leading my back to the common room. She didn't ask any questions; not even who did this. I assumed Snape had seen Harry leaving.

She dropped me off at the door, leaving silently. I entered to see Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron all on the couch. "Harry didn't mean to, Caroline," Hermione pleaded. "I truly didn't mean to, it was an accident-"

"Save it, Harry. Do you know how bloody tired I am? First my Mother, then my Dad, then you, my best friend, almost kill my boyfriend in cold blood after I told you to stop fighting!? I had to watch my entire family die in front of my eyes, you were ONE YEAR OLD. I had to watch it all. And then you almost kill the one person who saved me from almost killing myself two months ago, while you all sat around not noticing what the fuck I was going through? Like I said, I don't want to hear it."

I screamed, cutting him off, tears in my eyes, storming up into my room.

I curled up in my bed, rewatching the scene in my head. Maybe if Harry hadn't ran away I'd forgive him, but to do that and leave him to die? That was cowardly.

Hermione walked through the dormitory door. She silently sat on her bed staring at me, tears still welled up in my eyes.

"You tried to kill yourself..?"

"Hermione, I don't want to talk about it," I mumbled, shoving my face in my pillow.

"Why didn't you say anything?" she asked quietly.

"You wouldn't understand."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟑)Where stories live. Discover now