14 - Safety

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December 15th, the next night

I'd stayed in the common room most of the day. Draco had talked to me at breakfast, but I was less attentive than I normally was. I hope he didn't notice, but he was Draco. He always knew when something was wrong. It was sunset now, and I'd walked to the courtyard on the opposite side of the room of requirement. Our courtyard. Draco finally showed, and as he started to walk in, I spoke.


He jumped, startled. "What are you doing here?" he questioned, taking a few steps closer to me. "What are you doing here?" I crossed my arms. He didn't answer my question. "You seemed off at breakfast," he stated the obvious. "Maybe because you have to kill me, but, I don't know, maybe that's not a good enough reason for you," I grunted, turning to look at the sunset. "I didn't know how to tell you," he walked over, sitting down next to me. "Are you gonna do it?" I looked directly into his eyes.

I wanted an honest answer.

"No, are you bloody joking? Why would you even ask that?" he yelped. "I don't know," I looked down, playing with the ring on my finger. We sat in silence. "I have a plan, but you'll just have to be ready for it," he sighed.

"Could you at least tell me what I'm up against?"

"I- I'll have to use the killing curse on you-"

"Are you joking?"

"I figured you may be able to use your powers to, I don't know, overcome it, it's my only bloody option,"

"And what if it doesn't work?"

I questioned him. "I don't know, look, Caroline I'm really trying here-" his voice faltered as he put his hands in his hair. "That's a shit plan, sorry, but someone had to tell you," I scoffed. "I don't have a choice," he stammered. "How many times do I have to bloody tell you that you always do, you always have a choice Malfoy, you just have to look for it instead of taking the easy way out, maybe you'd understand if you weren't so thick skulled-" he pulled me into a kiss, but I pulled away.

"God Draco, you can't solve everything with a bloody kiss," I shrieked. He stared at me surprised. "I'm really trying to be civil here, but if we don't actually talk this out, both you and I are going to end up dead," I scowled, leaving him alone in the courtyard.


She'd left me in the courtyard by myself. I didn't have the energy to chase after her. Just what I needed to end off this semester; a fight with the love of my life the day before I'd return home. Sometimes the pain of my life due to her stubbornness; all I'd wanted was a nice goodbye.

I sat silently, the frigid air kissing my nose as I stared off into the sunset, streaks of pink and orange stroking the sky like a paintbrush on a white canvas. I was too tired to move, even to think. I don't know what time my legs decided to carry me back to my dormitory, but I felt myself slip under my covers, and fell sound asleep.

The next morning...

I'd gotten onto the train without saying goodbye to her. I tried of course, but whenever I finally had the opportunity, it slipped from my fingertips. She'd always be called over by one of her other friends, or have to finish one last thing. I hated when she ignored me. She usually didn't act this way, I think Bellatrix being freed had her on edge. Ever since the battle in the department of mysteries, she'd been different.

She seemed lost in her own mind.

She'd given me a small smile as she boarded the train, her eyes filled with regret before she sat down with her friends in the compartment, her cat jumping in her lap as I watched from outside on the platform. For the next two weeks, that little smile would have to be enough.


I sat down with Harry, Ginny, and Ron in the compartment. Hermione was pissed at Ron so she decided to sit with Luna and Neville instead. "You're sure that's what you heard?" Ginny gasped. "Yeah, he has to kill me, but he said he had a plan, a bloody stupid one at that," I muttered. My heart hurt as those bitter words left my lips. I knew he was trying his best, I shouldn't have snapped at him. He didn't need the extra stress.

"Snape said he'd made an unbreakable vow to protect Draco," Harry added. "What happens if you break an unbreakable vow?" Ron asked curiously. "You die," I said, a grimace emerging on my face. "Oh bloody hell," Ron muttered. I turned to see Lavender drawing a heart with her finger on the door glass before slowly opening it, peeking her head inside.

"Can I sit with you, Won Won?" Lavender whined. "No." I said simply, a bit of hinted sarcasm filling my voice. Harry snorted on his water. "Excuse me?" She shrieked. "I said no, do you need me to repeat myself?" "I happen to be his girlfriend, you're just jealous," she crossed her arms dramatically. "Me? Jealous of you? You wish," I muttered, turning back to my book.

"Well, I'll see you later Won Won," she turned away from me, blowing him a kiss before kissing the glass window. "Lovely," Harry laughed. "Caroline she's going to kill me," Ron whined. "Someone had to tell her," . I was excited to spend Christmas break at the burrow; I'd be staying in Ginny's room again, and Dad would be coming along.

After the long train ride, we arrived at Platform 9 3/4, greeting Lupin, Dad, and Mr. Weasley at the platform. Mr. Weasley was driving us home in his new car that had been modified to not only fit more than it seemed, but fly as well. I emphasize on new due to second year's incident. Long story short, none of the Weasley boys were allowed to drive it.

I jumped into my Dad's arms, and as I held him, I caught Draco eyeing me from the other side of the platform. Before I could do anything, we were all exiting the station, and getting inside of the car. Harry, Ron, Ginny and I all climbed inside, Lupin, Mr. Weasley and my Dad sitting in front.

I just knew it would be an amazing winter break. I couldn't wait.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟑)Where stories live. Discover now