11 - The Dinner Party

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The next night...

Hermione and I sat on our dormitory beds. "I'm surprised you snitched on Malfoy like that," she admitted. "It was the right thing to do," I sighed. I really didn't want to, but if it helped the order, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. I felt awful breaking Draco's trust, but at the same time, he was breaking mine.

An Owl flew up to our window, perched on the box of flowers that hung from the side. It was holding a letter. "I'll get it," I opened the windowsill to the frigid draft outside. "Thanks," I smiled, taking the letter from the owl as it flew away. "It's from Slughorn," I exclaimed ripping it open. "You, me and Ginny are all invited, the dinner party is tomorrow night," I exclaimed.

"Where is Ginny anyway?" Hermione asked. "Her and Dean have been fighting a lot recently," I sighed. Despite their snogging and affection, she'd seemed a bit off lately. One night she'd gone on a rant about how controlling he was. "What do we wear?" Hermione changed the subject. "Something fancy, but not too much," I said, placing the letter down on my bed to go search through my closet. I came upon a lavender purple flowy dress that went down to my knees. "That seems perfect," Hermione said.

"How about this?" she asked, grabbing a cute red dress from her closet. "I like it," I smiled.

Saturday Evening

Harry, Hermione and I all walked to the party room, sitting down at the large circular table as he greeted us. "Good to see you all," Slughorn smiled. I sat in between Hermione and Neville. Eventually, all of us were seated, but one spot was empty. Where was Ginny? "So Cormac, you see much of your uncle Tiberius these days?" Slughorn conversed.

Cormac puffed his chest, turning to Hermione slightly. For Merlin's sake, this hurt to watch. If Cormac tried anything else I'd probably spit my ice cream out of laughter. "I'm actually meant to go hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over the holidays," he smirked. "Marcus, how about your Dad? He invented any more potions recently?" Slughorn asked. Marcus was snarfing his ice cream, as it dribbled down his chin. "Don't know, me and my Dad don't get on," he said in between bites. Ew.

"What about you, Miss Granger? What exactly do your parents do in the muggle world?" Slughorn asked. "My parents are dentists, they tend to people's teeth," she said awkwardly. Everyone stared at her. "Is that considered a dangerous profession?" he asked, confusedly. "No, but a boy did bite my father once, he needed ten stitches," she laughed. Suddenly, the door opened. "Ah, Miss Weasley! Come in," he motioned to the last empty chair. "Her and Dean, they've been fighting again," Hermione whispered to me.

"Sorry, I'm not usually late," she exclaimed quietly. Harry's eyes seemed to brighten whenever she was in the room. "No matter! We were just discussing, feel free to chime in," he smiled. "How about your parents, Blaise?" he asked. "Haven't been up to much lately," he exclaimed quietly. I hadn't really spoken to Blaise before, but from what I'd seen he was kind, respectful. Definitely more of an observer than a participator.

"How about your Father, Miss Bellegreen?" Slughorn asked. "Still working his usual job with the Dragons at the Ministry," I smiled. "What dragons does he usually work with?" he asked curiously. "They tend to be babies, " I exclaimed. "That sounds cute," he smiled. "They are quite adorable," I laughed.

"How about you, Miss Weasley?" he continued. "My Dad works in muggle studies at the Ministry," she exclaimed. "Interesting," he smiled. Eventually, the dinner had concluded. "I'll meet you guys back at the dormitory later," Harry said. "Why's he staying back?" I asked, as Neville, Hermione, Ginny and I walked back to the Gryffindor common room. "Not sure," Ginny answered. "Maybe it has to do with Dumbledore," Hermione said. "You've got a good point, I just hope he doesn't become too pushy," referencing to Harry's over-friendliness. Anyone could notice.

December 7th, first quidditch match of the season

Harry, Ginny, Hermione and I all sat down at Gryffindor table. The match was against Slytherin today; unfortunately Draco had dropped his spot as seeker. He'd agreed to come watch me play, though.

"But you love quidditch," I'd told him, but he wouldn't listen. It was just another night that ended in silence. I could tell he cared, but he wouldn't open up. I'd get to him eventually, but it would take me a lot of patience- more than I'd initially thought.

Ron sat down at the table. "So how was it then?" Ron asked. "How was what?" Hermione questioned. I couldn't take my eyes off Draco. He glanced up at me. 'Eat', I mouthed at him. He smiled a little, then picked up his fork.

"Your little dinner party," Ron scoffed. "Pretty boring actually," Hermione rolled her eyes. "Though I'm sure Harry enjoyed dessert," I smirked, remembering how he'd reacted when Ginny walked in. "Slughorn is having a Christmas party too you know, and we're expected to bring someone," she said. I'd asked Draco, but he couldn't make it, so I'd asked Neville to go as friends instead. He seemed excited.

"I expect you'll be bringing Cormac," Ron scoffed. "Actually I was going to ask you," Hermione said, her feelings seemingly hurt. Suddenly, Lavender Brown appeared behind Ron. "Good luck today Ron, I'm sure you'll do brilliant," She squealed, nearly hissing at him. "Poor girl doesn't know how to flirt," I rolled my eyes when she was out of hearing distance.

"I'm resigning, after today, McGlaggen can have my spot," Ron began to freak out as Luna sat next to me. She was wearing a cute lion hat. I gave her a nod and a smile. "Have some juice," Harry gave Ron a cup. "Hello everyone," Luna smiled. "You look dreadful Ron, is that why you put something in his cup? Is it a tonic?" she asked.

"Liquid luck," Hermione gasped, seeing what was in Harry's hand. "Don't drink it, Ron!" she said. Before she could say another word, he'd downed the entire glass. "You could be expelled for that," Hermione hit Harry's arm. "I don't know what you're talking about," Harry smirked. Ron smiled, standing out of his seat.

"Come on Harry, we've got a game to win."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟑)Where stories live. Discover now