Part 8

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"Okay, Jackie," Y/N said slowly and stood up from where she was sitting. They stood opposite from each other, Jackie frozen in her spot and Y/N slowly approaching her with her hand stuck out as if she was approaching a wild animal. "It's okay."

"Y-you and S-Steven?" she managed to choke out. "That's you're secret boyfriend?!"

Donna and Y/N shushed her, pulling her inside the room fully before shutting the door. But not before Y/N checked the hallway to make sure no one else heard. 

"When did this happen? Why? HOW?!" Jackie asked all at once, finally deciding to sit on the bed. 

"Yeah, I asked all that too," Donna said casually. "You knew?!" Jackie asked."Of course, I knew," she replied as if that was the dumbest question. "I'm the one that walked in on them doing it."

"EW!" Jackie exclaimed.

"Jackie, will you shut up?! I don't need the whole neighborhood finding out," Y/N said, growing frustrated.

"Are you going to tell me the story?" Jackie asked impatiently. "I'm your best friend, you would think I would know by now."

"No, Jackie. No one knows. Well, now except you and Donna," Y/N said.

"Either way, I have the right to know," she said, crossing her arms. 

"No, you don't!" Y/N objected. "What me and Hyde do is no one's business."

"Well, it's not mine or anyone else's fault that we want to know what our best friends are doing," she defended and crossed her arms. "Now, c'mon. I want to know."

Y/N stared at her for a minute before grunting. "Fine, but you have to promise you won't tell anyone. And I mean anyone. That includes Fez."

"Fine! Just tell me what happened."

"Okay," Y/N said, adjusting herself in her desk chair and launched into the story again about how they started and why. The entire time Jackie sat there, staring at her with such intense and focused attention, Y/N had to look away a few times to escape her scrutinized stare. "So," Y/N said after finishing the story. "Here we are now, hiding it from everyone. And we were doing so well too."

"Clearly," Jackie scoffed.

"Hey, you and Hyde were secretive too at first," Donna stated. "Me and Eric caught you two Frenching like a couple of French people at a Frenching festival."

"Oh, whatever. It's not like we lasted long enough anyway," Jackie said and turned back to Y/N. "This is still really weird despite the story. I's you and Steven! You could have anyone else in Point Place and yet, you chose the rebellious burnout."

"Hey, you chose him too," Y/N said, not appreciating Jackie's put down of him.

"I only dated him because Michael had ran away to California," she said and leaned forward. "I will admit though, he is a good kisser."

Y/N smiled. "Yes, he is." They giggled together and Donna knitted her eyebrows in disgust.

"And I'm the only one in this room who hasn't kissed him. And I intend to keep it that way," she said.

"So, is everything you just said about him true?" Jackie asked, pulling away. "I mean, is he really thoughtful and sweet?"

"Very," Y/N said dreamily. "I've never been with someone like this before."

"He must really, really like you," she commented and leaned back on her hands. "He was never like that with me."

"Well, to be fair, it was more of a fling and didn't involve any real feelings," said Donna.

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