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You decided to get to know Gonta better. You learned he was the ultimate entomologist, and upon hearing you were the ultimate Zooologist, he squealed with excitement.

"Not many people here like outside stuff like Gonta! Does y/n like bugs??" He smiled.
You got a little excited because you do actually like bugs quite a bit. "Yeah!! I used to have rhinoceros beetles as pets, and I also love snails."
You both practically jumped up and down, speaking together at length about the kinds of bugs you used to find back home, stories from when you were kids, and talking about different biology related topics.

Even though Gonta couldn't speak very well, he had quite a bit of smarts hiding beneath the surface. You related to his social akwardness and you both felt free to be weird together.

Blue Butterflies in my Stomach (Gonta Gokuhara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now