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After quite a bit of walking, listening for footsteps, and looking for traces of where he could have went, you finally found him.

He went to the clearing you took him to that day.

His back was to you, and he was sitting on a stump. His glasses were placed next to him, along with his bug carrier. He was sobbing and sniffling pitifully.

You quietly walked over to him and placed your hand on his shoulder.

He jumped, not realizing you were there.

"Hey, sweetheart," you whispered to him. He looked up at you with his big, red eyes, and they immediately filled up with tears again.

"Why everybody hate Gonta?? Gonta want to be friends, so why??" He sobbed, his words being nearly unintelligible and sloppily spoken.

"...I don't know why, honeybee... people can be mean, sometimes. It's not your fault, and

you don't owe anything to them. You are allowed to be yourself, okay?" You said as you ran your fingers through his messy greenish hair. He pondered on your words as he wiped away some tears.

"Why people mean though? Why can't people be nice?" He whimpered pitifully. Your heart absolutely shattered at that, and at first you were at a loss for words.

"well... sometimes, in life, you can't change how other people act or influence them to be better, no matter how much you wish you could. So instead of trying to think of why people are mean, honey, maybe we should try staying away from mean people," you tried your best to comfort the big teddy bear. He seemed to enjoy your answer.

"Bugs never mean to Gonta. Bugs only bite and sting when they are scared. They do not understand they are hurting Gonta," he spoke. You nodded, "that's right. But don't you avoid those kinds of bugs, then?"

"No! Gonta don't avoid any bugs! Those bugs need friends, too!" He exclaimed proudly. When he said that, you realized something.

"Well, not a whole lot of people are like you. Most people do avoid stinging or biting insects, because they don't want to be stung or bitten. For you, you're like a bumble bee. To people who don't know you, you seem scary like you can sting them, but really, you don't even have a stinger... does that make sense?" You explained.

Gonta nodded deeply.
"That makes a lot of sense. How does Gonta let people know he does not have a stinger??" Innocently asked Gonta.

"Well, how do people find out that bumble bees don't have stingers? "You said with a smile, allowing him to ponder on that.
"Anyone that gets to know you knows that you're a sweetie pie, so that's how you tell them."

"How did y/n know Gonta was not bad??" He pondered aloud.

"Because I gave you a chance."

After saying that. You stood up to give Gonta a kiss. He accepted it gladly, adding a hug with it. His face was still a little wet from the tears, and the kiss was salty and sweet. He broke the kiss and you both sat together with your foreheads touching.

Neither of you said anything, but love was in the air. It was as if you both were in a bubble, separated from the rest of the universe, and it was just you and him.

Blue Butterflies in my Stomach (Gonta Gokuhara x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang