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You woke up, Gonta's arms still around you. He was dead asleep, but his grip was relaxed and loose enough for you to wiggle your way out without disturbing him too much.
You sat up, wincing at a dull pain in your lower back.

You padded your way to the kitchen to begin making tea for yourself and your sleepy boyfriend. He loved chamomile and lemon, even in the morning. You preferred sweeter drinks, like passion fruit or tea with lemonade.

As they were brewing, you scrolled through your phone mindlessly. Out of nowhere, you heard a gasp and small sounds of panic coming from the bedroom.

"What happened to y/n?? He asked, his face pale. You were utterly confused until you looked at where his gaze was directed at.

What the fuck...


Somehow, you didn't notice that you had in fact started your period, and it wasn't just time for you to have cramps and discomfort.

You hurriedly began to bunch up the now dirtied sheets, your face red and embarrassed, as Gonta watched with worried eyes.

He shrieked as you bent over to finish picking up everything.

You blanched at the realization that it was definitely not just on the sheets.

"W-w-whats wrong with y/n??? Is y/n hurt??!" He continued to ask. You weren't sure what to say, since you sort of thought that he would know what's going on.
You instinctively placed a hand to your backside and to your dismay, it was damp.

"I-it's nothing, Gonta, please don't worry about me," you spoke, just trying to get him to drop it.

"Gonta will worry about his butterfly!! Gonta want to know if his sweet girl is hurt!!" He insisted.

"It's nothing, honey!! I will explain once I change my clothes and get these cleaned, okay? I'm fine," you answered, exasperation evident in your voice. Gonta frowned, frustrated that he didn't understand what was wrong.

You retreated to your tiny bathroom to wash yourself up and change your clothes. You sighed deeply,not even knowing where to begin with this subject. You prayed that he'd understand...

You sat across from Gonta at your kitchen table, you sipping your tea and him waiting for the answers he was promised, his tea sitting in front of him. It was very unlike him to not drink his tea warm.

You explained everything to him, and partway through explaining you got yourself on a tangent about how hamsters can have periods, too, according to Gundam, which was quite an interesting fact to you specifically because of your talent. Gonta listened carefully, seeming to take mental notes in his mind.

"So...um... Y/n not hurt?" He asked for reassurance. You shook your head.

Then, at that exact moment, you got a particularly bad cramp. You couldn't hide your pained facial expression, and Gonta took notice to that.

"If y/n is not injured, why is y/n hurting?? How can Gonta help his little one??" He stood up, both hands on the table, appearing to want to take action.

"Chocolate!" You jokingly said. Gonta never really understood sarcasm, so he dashed out of your cabin with a determined look in his eye. You smiled, eyeing his tea.

You hoped he would be back in time to drink it. He never likes to drink cold tea.

Blue Butterflies in my Stomach (Gonta Gokuhara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now