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(3 months later)

School life was much better than any other part of your life at this point. You realized that you were really starting to catch feelings for Gonta, and you speculated that he might have some feelings for you as well.

You blushed at that thought.

You were sliding on your familiar, worn converse as you heard a knock at your door.

You smiled, opening it to reveal Gonta's sweet grin.
"Is y/n ready to go Bug hunting with Gonta?" He asked. You nodded and grabbed your bag to leave.

What Gonta didn't know is that today, you had a surprise out for him in the woods.
He usually took the lead to show you the best bug hunting areas, but today you insisted on showing him something.

You took his hand and led him to a clearing. There, you had a mesh cage with cacoons in it that were about to hatch.

He was utterly surprised by this, and quite flustered to say the least. You couldn't tell if he was happy or just overwhelmed.

Suddenly, he started to cry.

"Gonta, what's wrong?" You asked worriedly. He shook his head.

"Gonta not sad...Gonta happy," he sniffled, putting his hand in his coat. He pulled out a little silver ring with a blue butterfly on it, offering it to you.
You blushed, accepting the ring, allowing him to slide it onto your finger.
"Gonta... does this mean... do you want to... be my boyfriend?" You whispered.
He nodded, giving you a huge bear hug.
"Can Gonta kiss y/n on the forehead please?" He asked.
You smiled and nodded. He gladly gave you a peck on your forehead. Your stomach filled with butterflies.

That evening, the cocoons hatched in Gonta's room. You and him admired them together, their pearlescent blue wings shining in the dim
Light, and released them together in the morning.

"Can I give you a kiss, Gonta?"

He smiled and bent down to your level, and you kissed him on the cheek sweetly.

Blue Butterflies in my Stomach (Gonta Gokuhara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now