Mage City of Dreams and Neito Monoma

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The following day after sleep day one, Izuku wakes. Yup, Izuku Midoriya woke up a day early than he was suppose to.

He was crazy sore and in pain however. But that was nothing new. It's was just on whole other level. The sting of ringing of explosions still going off in his ears.

But then the last he remembers echoing back to him. As he screams out, "VIRAA!! SHINSO!!".

That instantly awakes Shinso and Kota who starts crying which alerts Sliver who immediately alerts Cordelia.

Izuku then heard through the ringing the cries of Kota and looks down to see Shinso's arms holding him gently as in his arms held Kota. Izuku instantly went on mother mode through the pain and calms Kota.

Kota soon fell back asleep but only after devouring the scent of his parental guardians who is both conscious now.

After that, there was silence as Izuku then sees Shinso. Izuku gently placed Kota under the blankets before grabbing Shinso's collar and looks at him right in eye.

"Is she safe?", Izuku questions softly as Shinso smiles nodding. Izuku lets go of his tight grip in relief then collapsing into Shinso's arms. Which did not surprise Shinso as he woke up a day early and would be in pain.


Vira looks at Toga as they trend through the forest. Through each twist and turn heading to a place that is completely unknown to Vira. Only Aunt Mei and Aunt Himko with a few others know this place.

To Vira, before becoming Toga's Sucessor. This was the forbidden side of the forest. But as they go deeper within. Vira sees more magical plants that she instantly recognizes. The deeper they go, the more seeping magic is found in the forest. The more complex and more creatures with magic in their veins.

"Why would guys hide this?", Vira thinks aloud in her burning curiosity and search for the mystical. The one other thing that gave her feel a home.

"Every vigilante needs a temporary or hidden place to collect their thoughts. This is the place where my thoughts are collected and Mei researches the hidden world of magic. We knew it would draw you, a mage, to it so until we understood the dangers we kept you away.", Toga explains softly with a deep care shown. For it was true but after a long talk with her waifu, she was allowed to finally bring Vira.

As their research has discovered much but there only more questions brought. For example how did magic truly became a lost moaning figure of time? How does magic affect quirks? What are magical illnesses? What was the world like with magic?

These unheard questions were brought which made Mei more worries of bringing Vira but if she was going to learn how to fully control and master her quirk and her spell casting. She needs this. And if she is going to become a vigilante, she needs to learn when not to use it.

Soon enough they reached a river with craven boat. It held many wards and protections. It sparks to life sensing a mage. Toga then guides Vira to place her hand within the water.

Vira senses an ancient power within. It was sleeping but waiting to be awoke again. It begins to wake reaching out with happy stir.

It was like if. . . Wait. Vira's Herbology Spell Book spoke of a place where all mages go to learn of their abilities. It was a city where they would learn and discover. There was 5 ancient guardians there to protect them and bring lost mages back to themselves.

Did they find?


Mei with Pax, Lia, Reina, Jamlia, Venus and Callista were restocking the Tower with supplies. Don't worry, Lia and Reina are driving the vans holding the supplies.

While doing that, they were also looking for anyone on the discriminating streets of Japan. Not like anyone cares about that however. They were happy that Mei was there to rid the poor.

That did not make Mei Hatsunne happy however. In fact, she was highly disgusted. Oh but the things, she couldn't say aloud.

Right now, they were at the local centeral market getting the food that they can't grow in the Tower and the food they crave.

However something caught Mei's eyes and ears. The loud crackling of fire and a pond of red pouring out. That is what alarmed her. So a vigilante named Life or Indra with a vigilante named Death or Pax went to check what was going on.

Life and Death stare at Spitfire whose hands and mouth  were alight with fire. His face silent and filled at disgust with what he must do.A blond haired boy with his ragged backpack holding almost all his things being the victim.

"I will say this again. You must register your villain quirk or they'll make me do more what I don't want to do. Know that your quirk is not really villainous to me but it is to them.", Spitfire says softly.

Spitfire is a rocky pro hero who's quirk allows him to bring out flames, lighting and makes him part dragon. He's also the best friend of Mount Lady. He also publically announced that he is gay to show that gay pro heroes exist and it is okay.

In his spare time, he runs a Support Agency that makes support gear and tech for heroes and heroes-in-Training. But like every other pro, he has to regulate the high tier laws.

"Spitfire, leave him alone.", Death says swiftly holding his fans out while Life starts healing him.

"Just make sure he registers. I don't want to come back here having to kill him.", Spitfire says snuffing out his flames. He then leaves with a dignity. The warning clear of the law. Oh, how far will they fall?

Anyway Life and Death took the boy their age straight into the medical van that Death was driving. And they took him straight to the Tower after Pax told everyone else what had occurred.

Soon enough the boy was resting in an medical room near Izuku's. They treated his injuries but found that before Spitfire severely burned and stabbed him there was someone else who was crazy enough to try everything in their power to kill him. But far worse than the near death of Toga.

The questioning of life within him was brought to play for his severe and tortuous they were. Also in his things, they found severe tech junk made weapons and gear with a sew and thrown together vigilante wear.

All which were recognizable of Silent Phantom the Copycat Vigilante and also the Number 5 vigilante. Also a vigilante known to make the high tier criminals he stops either become Quirkless or he somehow gains their quirk.

A vigilante that only speaks in symbols and sign language which given the found blood sores in the boy's mouth explains it being that he was selective mute probably to due that and the natural constant pain in his throat.

Soon enough when everyone got back, including Vira and Himko. Vira went to see her parents while Mei and Himko went to check up on this boy and figure out his identity through Himko's quirks.

Himko enters and went dead silent as tears fall off her eyes. A sense of her dark past sleeps right in front her. The person she longed to save once she was able to gather enough evidence but found him already gone.

"Neito?", Himko cries softly seeing his blood veins softly.

"Himi, who is this?", Mei asks softly calming her enough to aloud a voice to echo out.

"Love-let, this is my brother. Neito Monoma. You know him", Himko replies as the memory echos as Mei screams for Cordelia for the results and permanent damage.


Well that was fun.

Here's a few spoils for you, spoiler readers.

There 5 mage families left in the entire universe including Vira.

And there were 5 ancient guardians within the city but now there only the 2 as the others went across the world to protect the mages.

That is it of me. And rest is up to you, theorical readers.

Bye! See you next chapter!

The Vigilantes and True Family(Shindeku)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang