Episode 28

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ME: eeehm Benita, there is a latest development.
BENITA: latest development?, what is that?
ME: my two cousins got a job here in Lagos and they have resumed work since December 1st and they are living with me. Also, one of my friends in Mushin had accommodation problem and he had joined me to stay for the main time pending the time he will resolve his problem. so, we are now four guys in the house and I don't know if you will be able to manage among us.
BENITA: haaa!!!, four guys including you?
ME: yes.
BENITA: I don't think I will be able to manage among you guys oooo, especially the three strange guys. if they are people I knew before, it would have been better.
ME: Eeeyahh
BENITA: or is there a way the other 3 guys can be staying in the parlour so that you and I can stay in the room?
ME: That will be somehow difficult Benita. you know that both bathroom and wardrobe are in the room, only the kitchen is located in the parlour. they will also need to access both the wardrobe and bathroom on daily basis.
BENITA: haaaa, what will I do now?
ME: maybe you should try to talk to that your sister you were staying with before, maybe she can help .
BENITA: That one?, lailai, we insulted each other the day I was moving out of her house, I can never go there again.
ME: Huuuuuuh, what about your friends back then in bank?, maybe you should talk to any of them, they might accommodate you for the main time.
BENITA: ooooooh God!!!!, ok, let me discuss with Amaka, I will give you feedback later.
ME: ooooh, that's good.
BENITA: and if she can't help, that means I will forget about the job because I don't have any other person to stay with.
ME: I pray you find a solution from Amaka. please don't turn down the job, I have misses you and really want to be seeing your face again.
BENITA: Alright dear, thanks so much.
I ended the call with Benita and couldn't help it but to laugh out loudly.
" see this badluck girl ooooo"
" sex, she didn't allow"
" romance, she would refuse"
" her own is just to eat my food, position herself at the front seat of the car without any benefit"
" she doesn't touch her salary anymore as I took over every responsibilities"
" At the end of the day, she would go back to her man for sex while I was always at the losing end."
" enough of endless temptations"
" now, she want to spoil the atmosphere between Betty and I"
" nonsense!!!!".
I started the car engine and I drove back hone with laughter. I got home and updated segun on phone about what transpired between Benita and I.
ME: hello SEGE.
SEGE: how far onihaxy?
ME: I dey ooo. Benita called me this evening after the good news from Betty and FUNMI.
SEGE: what did she say?
ME: She said she got a message from the bank to resume on Monday too for the project and she told me that she would be moving in to my place on Thursday.
SEGE: move in to your place?, when Betty will be coming back next week?, what kind of game are you trying to play onihaxy and how do you intend to contain both of them?
ME: I said to her that there is a new development and that I have 2 cousins and a friend staying with me presently just as you told me to do.
SEGE: that's good of you. and what was her response and reaction?
ME: she said I should try and discusses with the guys to occupy the living room while she and I remain in the bedroom.
SEGE: Haha, this girl is becoming something else oo, dictating to you in your house?
ME: I tire ooooo
SEGE: and what did you tell her?
ME: I told her that it will be impossible because we all have to share both bathroom and wardrobe which are located in the bedroom.
SEGE: nice response.
ME: she later said she would contact one of her friends to see if she could help. and in case she couldn't get any help, she would reject the offer.
SEGE: that is just the best thing for her to do. abi of what importance was she to you in the house in the first place ?, you are just too cool for my liking onihaxy. if it were to be me, I can't stay too long in the kind of dangerous friend zone, especially when it involved us sharing same bed.
ME: hmmmmm
SEGE: but all the same, its cool now that you are getting wiser. start preparing for the arrival of your wife.
ME: thanks jaree.
SEGE: And if I were you, I will start clearing anything connecting to FUNMI and BIMPE that can incriminate you.
ME: Yeah, that is true. I will start that immediately.
SEGE: Ok, that's good.
ME: Let's chats tomorrow, I want to sleep because I need to wake up very early.
SEGE: No wahala. take care.
I ended the chats and I started clearing all incriminating text messages and chat conversations from my phone as well as removing all the female leftover items of Benita from every part and corner of the room.

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