Chapter Four: The Awakening

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It has been a week since I joined the agency. The first week consisted of regular paperwork and the constant flirting of Dazai. He would make comments on how great my outfit looked that day or he would sneak glances towards me. Whenever our eyes met, he would always keep that damn smirk on his face. Sometimes, I just want to wipe off that smirk on his face because it made it harder for me to focus on my work. I constantly cursed myself for being like this.

I have also met the other two Agency members. One of them was Yosano-sensei. She wore a black skirt that ended on her knees. A white button shirt accompanied her skirt. Her black heels clacked whenever she strutted in and out the door. Her bob, with a gold butterfly at the side, swayed side to side. She was the first person I had got close to in the agency. I saw her as the big sister that I had always wanted.

The second member I met was a Kenji. He had short blonde hair and wore a straw hat around his neck. It seemed as he came from the countryside in the farther parts of Japan. He was a very sweet boy and he was constantly amazed by the city. He was constantly comparing his hometown to the city of Yokohama, saying the two are very much different and how things were done here were far from how things were done back in his home.

Kunikida admires my hard work and he was always up and about, on lecturing Dazai that he too should be hardworking or actually try to make an effort in finishing his work. Today, I was finally assigned to go on a mission. A call was made to the agency and we were notified that there had been mysterious sightings of a group of men, wandering in and out of the port area. They were suspected to be a band of dealers.

"Y/N, you will be assigned to this mission, alongside with Dazai and Kunikida. This should be a good start in being part of the agency." Fukuzawa-san said.

We were prepared to depart at exactly 10 o'clock in the evening as per what Kunikida said. Time passed by quickly and it was already 9:30 PM.

Kunikida checked if everything was in the right order. His notebook, check. His glasses, check. Gun in case for emergencies, check.

"Okay, I'm all set. Are you ready to go, Y/N?" Kunikida asked

"Yes, I think we're all ready to go." I replied.

"Speaking of we, WHERE THE HELL IS DAZAI?!" That was when I realized that Dazai is indeed missing. The agency is currently empty since everyone has left to the comfort of their home.

"That damn bandage squandering machine, he's always running off to God knows where." Kunikida rubbed his forehead as if he was having a migraine.

"You know what, let's go, Y/N. I bet that damn Dazai is trying to commit suicide somewhere." He grumbled and we were off to our mission.

We had to drive to where the reported sightings were. We passed by shops that were closing and lively bars, filled with either drunk people or people who were just trying to have a good time. We neared our destination and our surroundings got darker. We arrived at an abandoned looking warehouse. The red walls of the warehouse were rusted. The roof looked like it had been picked apart. Holes were seen poking through the roof and walls as well.

Kunikida and I got out of the car and slowly walked towards the warehouse. The salty scent of the sea filled the air and flew with the breeze that came by every now and then. We heard a loud thud at the side of the building. Kunikida quickly grabbed a hold of his gun and stood at a defensive position. He gave me signal to follow along with him to check on what made the sound. We carefully headed to where the sound was located and we were met with a man sitting on top of a pile of garbage bags. The man clearly looked dizzy like he was thrown into that pile of garbage bags. We weren't able to identify the man quickly due to the dark but as soon as he turned his head towards us and spoke, we've already figured out who this man was.

𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐭 // 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum