Chapter Six: Come Back Home

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A year has passed. The seasons change as they come and go. It was now spring again. The snow that once covered the streets was now littered with petals of the falling cherry blossoms.

It was a peaceful day in the agency. There wasn't so much work so I decided to visit my home. I visited my mother every month and stayed at home for a good 2 to 3 days. I would train with Tanako-kun so I wouldn't forget what I learned from the years of vigorous training when I was only 13 years old. Tanako was already like a fully trained martial artist when he was at that age so training with him was a pain in the ass.

"Mmm, why isn't she replying?" I muttered as I stared at the blank screen of my phone. I let out a sigh and flipped the phone close. I started gathering my things, preparing to leave since I requested an early leave from Kunikida.

"Y/N-chan, where are you going?" Ranpo mumbled while his mouth was stuffed with chips, crumbs stuck on the sides of his mouth.

"Ah Ranpo-san, I'm getting ready to leave. I'm going to be visiting my home today." I said with a cheerful tone and a grin on my face.

"Hmmm.." Ranpo hummed and had a face like he was in a deep thought. Ranpo then called out

"Dazai, you should go with Y/N-chan."
The man who was once taking a nap on the couch, completely slacking off from the much needed work he had to do, suddenly rose up and peeked out from the waiting area of the agency.

"Did~ I~ here~ something~?" Dazai cooed with a suspiciously happy face.

"Uhh no thank you, Ranpo-san. I'm fine on my own. I don't need to Dazai to come alo-GAH!" I yelped as I was suddenly being dragged out the door by a bandaged arm.

"Ne ne~ Y/N-chan, we don't want to be late now do we~~" Dazai dragged my arm, causing me to stumble a few times on my feet.

"Eh?! Wait! Dazai! Stop ah! Ranpo-san!!" I shouted before I was dragged out the door, with the door slamming shut. Ranpo, still chewing on his snacks, turned his chair around so he faced one of the windows of the agency. His face turned grim. He let out a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry, Y/N-chan."

"Ahhh Dazaiiii, stop dragging my arm. I don't want to lose my good arm." I whined as Dazai led me to my car, parked outside of the agency.

"Hmm Y/N-chan, why not let me drive this time?" Dazai asked with that iconic smirk of his.

"Eh?" My face turned stoic and suddenly a rush of memories came storming in.

"DAZAAIII!! BREAK! STEP THE BREAK!!!" I screamed my lungs out.

"WEEEEEEE!!" Dazai exclaimed while pressing on the gas, heading towards the railings that seperated the land and the sea.

I shuddered at the memory and quickly ran to the driver's side. Dazai frowned upon my action.

"Why won't you let me drive anymore, Y/N-chan? Do you not trust me anymore?" He reacted with an overexaggerated pained reaction.

I rolled my eyes at his action and gave him a slight glare. "Remember you haven't paid me back the ¥10,000 damage you did to my car."

That was when Dazai's act vanished and he broke into a cold sweat, smiling sheepishly, wanting to not talk about that certain topic.

"Ah.. Y/N-chan, you look much more radiant today. Did you add a little more collagen to your face or were you sent down from heaven?" Dazai said nervously while throwing in a few laughs here and there.

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