Chapter Seven: Calm Before the Storm

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"GAAHH!" I gasped loudly, sitting up from my bed. Sweat rolled down my forehead and dripped from my chin. I was panting. My body drenched with sweat. My mind felt hazy. It was as if I woke up from a terrible nightmare. I stiffened from my realization, quickly checking my phone to check on the date.

April 6 2:00AM

Tomorrow is the day I have to visit my mom. The day I found everyone mudered in cold blood. Was it all just a dream? Everything felt so real. I swear I saw the life slipping away from Tanako's body. The blood that soaked the fabric of my mother's clothing. The warmth of Dazai's hand when he held my hand. I plopped myself back onto my bed. I need to get to the bottom of this. An idea soon popped into my head. Did I use my specialty? I could still remember the blue rings surrounding me before I blacked out.

I reached my hands out, looking onto my frail, delicate hands. How was I able to activate my specialty though? Does it enable itself when the user is a step away from death? I let out a sigh, so much questions burned in my head. I have to get back home today. I need answers. I thought as I slowly drifted back to sleep.

The day came about as usual. I was woken by my alarm and quickly snoozing it. I got dressed and ready to leave for the agency.

I arrived shortly after a few minute drive. I parked my car then entered the cafe just right below the agency. I tend to eat my breakfast here because I couldn't get enough of their dark roast coffee and breakfast meals. I entered the quiet cafe, the scent of coffee immediately filled my senses. Across my vision, I saw Ranpo and Dazai, sitting at the cushioned seats in the left side of the cafe. They seemed to be having a serious conversation due to the stern face of Dazai, listening intently to what Ranpo was saying. Dazai's eyes met mine and perked up. His once stern face held a smile as he spoke.

"Ah~ what a coincidence, Y/N-chan. We were just talking about you. Come come, have a seat." Dazai gestured to the empty spot beside him. I shrugged and went towards their table. I sat down beside Dazai and threw a glance at Ranpo. His brows were furrowed, obviously concentrating on something that's going on in his strange mind. Dazai leaned in closer to my side. I could whiff out his cologne as it filled the air around me.

"Y/N-chan, we were discussing about something and we need your opinion about it." Dazai said. I quickly gave out my order to the waitress before turning my attention to the suicidal maniac beside me.

"What is it about?" I asked, while munching on the free service bread.

"Ah well, Ranpo-san here. He-" Before Dazai could finish, Ranpo interrupted.

"You used your specialty, didn't you?" He said, bluntly. I was caught off guard. How does Ranpo know though? He may be the world's greatest detective but I haven't even let out a single suspicion..unless.. My features darkened. I glared at Dazai, darkness looming over my eyes. Dazai quickly placed his hands up as if surrending.

"Ah ah wait, I haven't said anything. I kept my mouth shut." Dazai gestured locking his lips and throwing away the key. My glare lingered on him for a little longer until Ranpo broke the silence.

"I'm not called the world's greatest detective for nothing. We need to discuss your current situation and the events that is about to happen tomorrow."

The three of us talked in that small quiet cafe. A conversation that could only be known by the us. Dazai explained to me how Ranpo figured out my status as a Pillar and how he knew that you used your specialty, Reset. Ranpo filled in the details to Dazai before I arrived in the cafe and Dazai, of course, caught along with what's about to happen and how are we able to prevent it from happening again.

𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐭 // 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now